Incubator Creative Group


Incubator Creative Group is Christian music's only established Incubator organization. Like the 1,600+ other business incubators around the world, Incubator Creative Group exists to provide the unique nurturing a start up Christian music enterprise needs during the formative years. As the name implies, Incubator is a transformation experience experience specifically designed for early stage music ministries (or more seasoned performers who have retained the same 'learners' heart). Combining artist development, recording, booking, management, niche marketing and promotion, Incubator Creative Group provides a nurturing environment for the launch and expansion of not just an independent music enterprise (i.e. 'by yourself') but an interdependent music ministry (part of a relationship team). The twenty-year success story of Incubator is founded upon the promotion of the artist as a person (instead of a 'product' focus requiring servitude from the artist). A hallmark of Incubator Creative Group is a guiding value that looks to a performer's work ethic as the foundation for advancement. The goal of the company is to produce stable and sustainable music ministries that function in the specialized marketplace of local churches throughout North America, Europe and Australia.

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Location: Eugene, OR
Zipcode: 97404
Country: US


Blogs: 7
images: 7

How To Get Discovered In Christian Music

By Incubator Creative Group, 2009-05-05
From the Founder and President of Incubator Creative Group, Nate Sakany .

I love to help early stage Christian musicians develop their ministries to the thriving level. And I've been doing so for 30 years. It's all about discovering, defining, developing and deploying your vision to reach your world through the power of music. Most of what is taught about the music business won't help you at the emerging stage. The realities for the early stage Christian musician are very different than those already established in the music industry. It's understanding that environment and a heart to help you unwrap the fantastic gift that God wants to release into the world through your life and music that drives me. This article is part of a free 9-week free series available to you at the Incubator Creative Group website. It's my gift to you.
Enjoy. But, then get busy!

Getting Discovered...
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Press Release
Cheshire, Oregon

Former roster artist comes back to roost in management at Incubator

Incubator Creative Group announces the addition of Leah Martensen as the company's Vice President of Artist Community. The partnership marks Leah Martensen's newest foray into the field of Christian artist development, extending her activities beyond her own performing music ministry. Incubator celebrates its 20th year of business in 2009 as Christian music's only incubator organization. The company mission of "nurturing early stage music ministries to the thriving level" is illustrated in the success Martensen has achieved in her own music ministry.

Martensen and Incubator have a history dating back more than 15 years. She was an early stage music ministry looking for help to establish and expand her enterprise. After an extensive audition process she was signed to the Incubator roster in 1994 and remained with the company until 2000. "If it...
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Business and Marketing Boot Camp

By Incubator Creative Group, 2009-07-06
Simply Ministry Business and Marketing Boot Camp!

What stops you from aggressively pursuing your passion and dream for a Christian music ministry? If you're like most folks, it's the age old problem of money and exposure. Many artists are weak in areas like business, finance and marketing. The intricate and delicate balance needed between the humility of ministry and hard-line of business is difficult to define - and even harder to maintain. Consequently, critically important stuff is simply ignored or avoided. The result is a continual problem with a lack of money and a lack of bookings.

"Simply Ministry is absolutely THE most important date to book for your ministry this year."

Click here to go to Simply Ministry

But what are the real secrets to opening doors of opportunity and financial support for the early stage music ministry? Although the music industry has experienced a much needed shake up,...
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Incubator Hosts Songwriters Weekend

By Incubator Creative Group, 2009-09-25
So many have asked about the weekend held over Labor Day at the Incubator campus just outside Eugene, Oregon. I thought I would post a link so you could see and take a listen to the seven artists in action. The link has rough cuts without edits, and an MP3 of the final cut. We're into 'hatching' good stuff and these artists stepped it up and birthed a song in a couple of days! Check 'em out: Paul Baker, Judy Deans , Lisa Gallant-Seal , Pami Guerra, Paul Hodgins, Tara Johnson and Shine Morrison . I'll post some of their comments about the weekend. It...
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Incubator Creative Group Holding Campus Event

By Incubator Creative Group, 2010-05-12

Tami Rowbotham, Vice President of A&R with Incubator Creative Group , announces that a select group of Incubator artists will be converging on the Incubator Campus in late August of 2010.

Artists attending the event include Judy Deans , Shine Morrison ,

EnduringWord Features Incubator Artists

By Incubator Creative Group, 2010-07-23
Check out interviews with Incubator Records recording artists Shine Morrison and Tara Johnson on
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Featuring Shine Morrison

By Incubator Creative Group, 2011-01-25
How I Connected With Incubator
by: Shine Morrison

I first connected with Incubator Creative Group in the Fall of 2003, in the midst of my growing apprehension toward the music industry. But before I tell you what I mean by 'apprehension,' let me share how I became a singer/songwriter.

I was a very quiet child. A lot of people wouldn't believe me today, especially my husband! But really, I barely spoke. From the age 7 or 8, I loved to sing. Watching music entertainment programs on the TV was my favorite thing to do. I remember playing my favorite singers' records (no such thing as CD's back then!) over and over, singing along with them and dreaming that someday, I would stand on a stage and sing like them! Sometimes, my sister and I got together with a couple of friends and we sang and danced, imitating my favorite singers, 'Pink Lady,' a performing duo. My first public...
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