3 Little girls and a visit?

David Sanchez
David Sanchez
16 years ago
33 posts
Do we believe that we have a God that we can adjust according to our own perception, or do we really believe the bible: with God ALL things are possible. Like 3 little peasant girls that saw, and recieved a message from Mary, mother of Jesus. Why are some christians taught to shun this testimony by 3 little girls ,one which is still alive, and still testifies? Do we try to make God's mind up for Him, "Oh no! God wouldn't do that?
updated by @david-sanchez: 07/09/16 01:07:00AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
16 years ago
5 posts

Hi David,

Most Protestants reject the Catholic teachings on Mary, because they have no basis in Scripture. We base our beliefs on the word of God - not the inventions of Papists, nor pagan teachings that Papists incorporated into their version of Christianity.Further, most Protestants reject the Marian apparitions as demonic activity.2 Corinthians 11:14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. The Catholic Church was not the first to worship the " Queen of Heaven ", this was a long standing practice in occult religions.Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 1894: " Queen of Heaven with the ancient Phoenicians, was Astarte; Greeks, Hera; Romans, Juno; Trivia, Hecate, Diana, the Egyptian Isis, etc., were all so called; but with the Roman Catholics it is the Virgin Mary ." Temple of the Temptress: "Diana was called the Mother goddess and Queen of heaven , just as Mary is called Mother of god and queen of heaven ." Encyclopedia Britannica: "Astarte/Ashtoreth is the Queen of Heaven to whom the Canaanites had burned incense and poured libations."

Personally, I believe something supernatural occurred at Fatima, but I do not believe it was of God. I have looked into what " Mary " has said, in some of these alleged visitations, and many of her statements contradict the word of God. Therefore, I must conclude that the spirit behind these apparitions is not of God .1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God... Here are two quotes below (with links), if you wish to study this out further. My advice to you is flee from idolatry, test the Spirits, and study the Bible for yourself. Let no church, institution, teacher, preacher, priest, or apparition, come between you and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, or rob you of the truth - as it is in Jesus.

Idolatry is the main fruit which comes forth from all of the apparitions of Mary. Statues, medals and scapulars are just a few examples of that, and over the years they have sold in the millions.Do I believe that ALL of the apparitions are demonic in nature? Yes I do, and I will continue to sound the alarm because that is exactly what the word of God commands us to do!. MARIAN APPARITIONS: DIVINE OR DEMONIC?

Most Protestants reject the vast majority of Catholic teachings regarding Mary as anything from aberrant, to heretical.Some of the unbiblical teachings relating to the Mary of Catholic Tradition include the following:1.Marys immaculate conception: This doctrine teaches that she was born without original sin and was, therefore, sinless throughout her life.2.Marys perpetual virginity: This dogma asserts that she had no children after Jesus.3.Marys bodily assumption or physical ascension into heaven: This teaches that because of her sinlessness, Mary never experienced physical death. Instead she was raised bodily into the presence of Christ.4.Marys role as Co-redemptrix and Mediatrix of all grace: This doctrine holds that the obedience and sufferings of Mary were essential to secure the full redemption brought by Christ.5.Marys right to veneration and/or worship: This teaching argues that because of her unparalleled role in the economy of salvation, Mary is worthy of special adoration. - Source: John Ankerberg and John Weldon, The Facts on Roman Catholicism, Harvest House, Oregon, 1993, p.40; citing The Catholic Encyclopedia UnBiblical Teachings on Mary

Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/21/14 10:18:00AM
Lewis Paul Tavenor
Lewis Paul Tavenor
16 years ago
11 posts
They say the angel Gabriel gave the gold tablets to Joseph smith, which is where they got there book of Mormon from. Mohammed claimed that Gabriel Gave him the Koran. If you are referring to Fatima, Well, I believe that some formally Heavenly being is making appearances and deceiving millions. Act 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
David Sanchez
David Sanchez
16 years ago
33 posts
I wasnt condoning the worship of Mary, or you, or anyone else, I was merely pointing out how quickly some christians can dismiss something because of indoctronation, and so 3 little girls with no reason to lie, and the scripture that says "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD" are thrown out the window. If we beleive that then we dont so readily dispose of something simply because we cant understand the workings of God. No I beleive it is foolish, and presumptuos to think we know the bible soooo well that we can direct God's behaviour. Once again you flatter yourself on knowing God's every move. If you don't beleive the mother of our Savior deserves more attention than yourself, WOA! now that is fatheaded! I admit every sighting, and every so called apparition is not from God at all, but this one in particular was lasting, with a good message, and very profound, with no demonic attributes, no demon, or false angel of light, I see you tend to wheel God's word around to your own liking taking many passages out of context, and once again like the pope you condemn deem yourself INFALLABLE??? WOW!
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
16 years ago
5 posts
Hi David,I know of no one claiming infallibility except the Pope, so I see no reason for you to keep making that allegation, about anyone but him. Their supposed authority is based on apostolic succession , which is ridiculous to anyone who knows the sorted history of the Roman Church, and the teachings of the Bible.However, I respect your freedom of conscience and expression. If you wish to follow Rome, or worship Mary, you have that freedom. I would hope that you can tone down your rhetoric, and stop calling people fatheads , simply because they disagree with your point of view. On this network you will have to respect the freedom of conscience and expression of others, and refrain from character assassination - or find yourself banned.Here are some statements by Catholic leaders about Mary that directly contradict the Bible! "Membership in the Militia means complete dedication to the Kingdom of God and to the salvation of souls through Mary Immaculate. " -Pope John Paul II " We have an advocate in Mary that the father, Son, and Holy Spirit cannot say no to. It is impossible for them to say no to her! -Fr. Stephan ScheierPerhaps you should study the issue of Mary Worship, before you condemn those who refuse to practice it. You might find that they have amply reason to feel the way they do. Here are some links, one is from a former Catholic nun, who was involved in Mary worship, but has rejected it in favor of true worship. Mary Worship? Worship of Mary Mary Worship With love and respect,Ken

Ken Rich
David Sanchez
David Sanchez
16 years ago
33 posts
Well this will be the last post beacause I see you avoid direct reasoning, and refer to history of human error rather than bold faced faith, and as I pointed out I was only refering to an incident that took place before we were born, and had nothing to do with the Catholic church, it was 3 little girls, and 70,000 wittnesses to a sign given. When they reported it to the priests the little girls were not believed by the church. And dear brother you can deny claiming infallibility directly, but indirectly it is very evident you do consider yourself an authority on God, and the bible. You should be ashamed, and put you guitar down, and ask God to forgive you for your vain ego that only respects itself. I ban myself from such selfcentered confusion. I am not catholic nor do I condone idolotry in any form, but I humble myself to understand that I don't understand all there is to know about God like the protestants do. "Not all who call Me Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven" " He draws near to the humble, but resists the proud" I will pray for you, and every so called christian that feels they have God in the palm of their hand.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
16 years ago
5 posts
Hi David,I really wish you would refrain from personal attacks and character assassination. It is very unchristian and in poor taste. I could ban, you but I choose to tun the other cheek once again.You say this is non-Catholic and different that the plethora of other Marian apparitions but others do not see it that way. According to the Catholic church, the Virgin Mary appeared at Fatima, Portugal numerous times in 1917 to three little shepherds named Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Since the Roman Catholic church has endorsed and fully accepted these visions as being from God and they have in turn affected hundreds of millions of people over the years by their messages these are very important Marian apparitions. The Fatima Visions

Ken Rich
David Sanchez
David Sanchez
16 years ago
33 posts
Eventually it was accepted but not from a real faith but by pressure. At the time this took place the church scoffed at the girls, and treated them badly, once again showing human error, and once again the reality of the vision cannot be measured by opinion or vast info. on the churchs teaching. The vision was not based on denomination, it was an event! To not beleive something simply because the specifics are not written is truly vain my brother because again it says that we have God all figured out, come on now. The song of Bernadette, and her story! much proof of truth. What causes you to doubt the integrity of these visions? The teachings you keep refering to have no bearing on weather they are true or not, they are after the fact. Do you beleive it was divine intervention when pastor Haggi was shot at point blank and yet not one bullet hit him? Its not in the bible. I'm sorry brother but my God is not confined by opinion, or historical facts, or is He confined between the pages of Genesis, and Revelation. No brother, the bible is all true but everything that is true is not in the bible??? With respect, David
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
16 years ago
5 posts
Hi David,If you think what was said by the "Mary" of these visions is truth, then I would like you to consider this quote, from the same link I already pointed you to:-------------------------------------------------------------------------The following is a clear example of a false gospel , but nonetheless is part of the salvation message at Fatima. The personage claiming to be Mary said:I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me (p. 47).Dear reader, please know that Mary doesnt have the ability or influence to make such a promise to assist in ones salvation. Furthermore, even if she did, her directives are not true. All this talk about going to confession, receiving communion, reciting 5 decades of the Rosary, etc. is all foreign to the Bible. This was never the message of Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, James, etc. Did God have his salvation message changed or revised for us since Fatima? If He did, then there is now another way to obtain salvation since the Fatima visions, which is impossible. There has only been one true plan of salvation alongside many counterfeits. The following is most relevant about a false gospel: .... Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned! (Gal 1:7-9) The Fatima Visions With Love and respect,Ken

Ken Rich
David Sanchez
David Sanchez
16 years ago
33 posts
The link you point to is also fallible since the weight of it is based on opinion, and the misuse of scripture, and she pointed to no other gospel, only a helping hand, and don't you think the mother of Jesus could have any influence with her son? At Cana she made a difference as she interceeded for the guests? And again do you think that God can only do what the bible says?? I do not. We do not direct God using the bible, and in reality it is scripture that says we cannot. If we base our complete understanding of Him on scripture that is good because that is all we have, but if we think that is all He is, and can do no more than what is written then we decieve ourselves for sure. And do you not know, and understand that the prayers of the rosary are not about Mary, but Jesus? and that they are all gospel prayers taken directly from the gospels???
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