In Home Worship Concerts

Patricia Skinner
Patricia Skinner
11 years ago
1 posts

I have heard a lot lately about concerts in the home. I was wondering if anyone here has heard about this or if anyone has experienced being part of them.

updated by @patricia-skinner: 02/05/23 01:35:44PM
Carrie Taylor Sanderson
Carrie Taylor Sanderson
11 years ago
2 posts

An acquaintance of mine started a company and network for such a thing. It was not centered around believers, he, I believe, is a secular artist. It was something I never considered when it came to praise and worship. Perhaps we should create a buzz or brainstorm about the logistics. Generally, it has to be held at a home that can accommodate additional seating and I'm sure lots of other factors come into play. Let's explore this topic some more.


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