James Banfield


 "The Indie Gospel Top 20 Chart by JB is official! 1 Jan 2016! ... these are the artists in the Indie Gospel Network that have songs loaded on their pages that you can hear. You can also "background" the Indie Gospel Top 20 playlist while surfing as well ... pretty cool.. thank You all for your prayers! Enjoy listening to Indie Gospel;s Top 20 Chart!  In Him, James


Location: Bamberg, SC
Zipcode: 29003
Country: US


Playlists: 35
Pages: 1
Blogs: 43
youtubes: 2
Songs: 14
videos: 2

Profile Tag Cloud:


Take Me In_0001

streams: 16
video file: 13.1MB, 00:05:11

Jean Winter
11/07/10 03:31:57PM @jean-winter:
Great video James, I love it. God Bless Jean
James Banfield
11/07/10 03:35:13PM @james-banfield:
And to think.... I did it myself, with just a little help from Marty. She's got this stuff down, its like a walk in the park for her.. For me? each frame.... each pic, wow... but there is satisfaction in completing this video.... PTL .... have a great day in the Lord


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