James Banfield


 "The Indie Gospel Top 20 Chart by JB is official! 1 Jan 2016! ... these are the artists in the Indie Gospel Network that have songs loaded on their pages that you can hear. You can also "background" the Indie Gospel Top 20 playlist while surfing as well ... pretty cool.. thank You all for your prayers! Enjoy listening to Indie Gospel;s Top 20 Chart!  In Him, James


Location: Bamberg, SC
Zipcode: 29003
Country: US


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If you missed the Annual Top 25?

By James Banfield, 2018-12-08
If you missed the Annual Top 25?

It will be on again Sun at 3pp to 4:30 and then again the next Fri-Sat-Sun at 3Pm-4:30 also.. join me in the Main chat room when its playing.... James 

Top Artists of 2018

By James Banfield, 2018-11-27
Top Artists of 2018

The Following Artists have made it to the Top 25 Songs of the Year - 2018 They are in no sequencial order   just there in alpha order but they are there ... Congrats to all of you!  JB

Joesph Beggs
Andrew Kwon
Arthur Rolalnd
Bruce Moss
Debbie Bergone
Dee Smith
Doug Spencer
E. Petersen
Eva Sabiniano
Everett Adam,s
Giving Back

Indie Gospel Top 25 Songs for the year 2018

By James Banfield, 2018-11-29
Indie Gospel Top 25 Songs for the year 2018

Can you believe that we made it through another Year of Indie Gospel Top 20 songs... there were 54 individual songs that entered into the Mix from Jan - Nov that means we had 2-3 songs that were new on every chart throughout the year. Some of those songs held their place on the chart for almost 12 months... that's incredible. in fact the highest scoring top 3 songs were only 8 points apart and each one did it in 10 months... My personal favorite made it to #6  Nov Top 3 owned my Laura Marks Vincent I doubted if they would even make it to the Top 25.. They did..  So let's get on with the Top 25 Songs of the year.. Coming in at

25  Secret Sins by Dee Smith... I remember when this came out .. He was steppin' on a few toes for sure... 

24  Shabat Shalom  by Bruce Moss definitely in the Jewish tradition flavor 

23  Watching Over Me  by Eva Sabiniano I hope you have the bass...



We will be playing non stop the #20 - #4 songs then we have a special treat.. an interview with Laurie Marks Vincent then we'll play the last 3 songs  which ar #1-2-3 on the chart.. that hasnt happened in the 8 years I have been doing the Indie Gospel Top 20 Chart.  So tune in at indiegospel.net and in the upper left corner is the radio just click it and it will begin to play. 

Indie Gospel Top 20 Chart For NOV 2018

By James Banfield, 2018-10-26
    Indie Gospel Top 20 Chart For NOV 2018

This weekend (`10/26-27-28) is the last weekend for the Oct 2018  Weekend play from 3:00pm - 4:30 or so.

Next Fri-Sat-Sun will be the launch of the  Nov Chart. And this one is really Special.. Something happened that has not happened in the 8 years I've been doing this chart.. so I'll Get Started with the countdown right away.. Our Monthly Artist of the Month will be Laurie Marks Vincent. she's kinda been here a few times with some reallt good songs and she was also the into artist to the joint Indie  Gospel Artists "Where the River Runs"  

20.  Angel in the Sky  Deby Kelley a new song entering the chart today

19.  If You Know Him -  E. Pettersen Ed has been with us and also had a song on the Sound of Hope Album and was instrumental in getting a lot done on the project.

18.  Blood of Calvargy - Whayes4 great sounding group...

17.  A Thorn on a Rose - Joesph Beggs .. this song was

Indie Gospel Top 20 Chart for OCT 2018

By James Banfield, 2018-10-04
Indie Gospel Top 20 Chart for OCT 2018

Hello out there in Indie Gospel land .... Tomorrow at 3pm- 4:20pm or so we are launching the Top 20 Countdown from #20 to #1 as it will also play on Sat and Sun at 3-4:20pm as well. So let me take this momenet and do a little breakdown on the Top 20 so that you can follow along while the Songs are playing.

20.  Absent from the Body  Chuck Loudert .. a great song done from the heart. I love the lyrics and even though the pros would say "This is a demo" Me? It's the heart ... Chuck ..nice song

19.  Come Follow Him - Dusty West .. Tell it Dusty .. The Words are so true... Jesus Calls you .."Come"  Amen

18.  Here I am - Barry and Teena Winslow .. withall the songs that Barry and Teena have written, I missed this one until now.. love it. easy beat,, and still it has the dynamics.....

Indie Gospel Radio Top 20 Countdown Sun 3PM

By James Banfield, 2018-07-01
Indie Gospel Radio Top 20 Countdown Sun 3PM

Hopefully, everything is lined up for this afternoon at 3-4:30 PM for the July Countdown... it opens very differently... Dont miss it?  30 minutes to go!

My apologies

By James Banfield, 2018-06-29
My apologies

AT the kick off of today's show .. I was expecting one thing and got another.. sorry .. I guess the update on the Top 20 for July... has not been downloaded... Hope fully it will be done when Ken can get to it... Again my Apoloogies.. the Pre-view of July's Top 20 still stands.. as soon as it airs...    James  

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