James Banfield's Top 20 Songs




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The NEW James Banfield Top Ten List for 04-17-2011

user image 2011-04-16
By: James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
Posted in:

Congratulations to "T" Roy Taylor.... It is now the #1 song on the chart.

#2 is Angela Dittmar's submission of "You Bothered With Me"...

#3 was last weeks #1 song, "Held By Love" by Ed Petersen... 

"Never the Same" stayed the same at #4 ...

#5 moved up from #6 "He's My Glory" by 4 Given ...

#6 is Wayne Ralph's "911"  ... 

#7 is "Hands of God by Joe Wamsley 

#8 "Desires of my Heart" by Patricia Skinner  

#9 is last weeks Bullet Song "I Depend On You" by Vince Brown ... This song is really good and even though it was submitted last year.. I think it deserves to be on the chart for a little while anyways...

#10 is last weeks Honorable Mention "Without Jesus" by AFC Praise

Our New Bullet Song is done by Jimmy Workman .... "I'm In Your Hands" is really a cool song. You gotta check it out for sure. 

Our Honorable Mention Song for the Week  is by a group we all are familiar with.. They are from Eureka, CA and are Called,  Sound Doctrine.  I used to live on McFarland in Eureka  so I am just a little prejudiced  :)

The past #1 Songs that I chose for this week are

"You Are" by Isaac Johnson .. this song brought in the New Year 2011

"Alpha Omega" by Barry and Teena Winslow.


Every week there usually are two songs that drop off the chart to make room for the new ones that enter the chart. This week Two Very Good Songs dropped off the chart...

Barry and Teena Winslow's "Never be the Same" which ran for 10 weeks

"Heart Mender Peace Sender" by Phil Beatty which ran for 11 weeks .

You dont have a run on the chart for more than 7 weeks unless the song is really good... they were... congratulations to both artists for a good run on the charts/

Blessings to you all and I pray you enjoy the songs and the week in the Lord.

James Banfield

E. Pettersen
04/16/11 03:42:51PM @e-pettersen:

Thanks James...here's hoping we can get another couple of weeks on the chart for Held By Love...

the message is just right for this Easter season.

God Bless,


E. Pettersen
04/16/11 03:42:51PM @e-pettersen:

Thanks James...here's hoping we can get another couple of weeks on the chart for Held By Love...

the message is just right for this Easter season.

God Bless,



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