Joe La Bianca




Location: Gettysburg, PA.
Country: US


Blogs: 43

Wrong Reason

user image 2009-03-17
By: Joe La Bianca
Posted in:
Some people reject Christianity because of wrong reasons due to their misunderstanding. They ask, “How could God demand for His Son to be killed as a blood sacrifice?”, “What kind of cruel God do Christians serve?” They are convinced that they are correct in their thinking, and there exists no other reasons than the ones they so confidently affirm. But they have not considered something. They have never comprehended the reason which nullifies all their false, hotly voiced complaints.
First of all, Christians do not believe in any present tense blood sacrifices. It says in the Bible that Jesus was sacrificed, once for all time. It is finished, so don’t point your finger at us in self-righteous indignation.
God is not, nor was he ever, in heaven demanding death and blood because he is angry and only violence will quell His indignation. If you understand God to be like this, your condemnation is deserved. How dare you make God like you. You think the worst of God because you think others are like you. But you are the angry one, who’s only satisfied when you hurt someone else.
I heard of a person who was filled with lust for women. So, because he became that way through many wrong decisions throughout his life, he thinks Jesus is like that too. People always project their own sins onto other people.
The sacrifice of Jesus was the only solution to a big problem that we started. Sin came into the world, and death through sin. Do you admit that death exists? Do you admit that this is a problem for us? Some people who believe in the false science of evolution actually glorify death and make death the mechanism by which mankind becomes better. Tell me, who is the evil person now? It is evil to believe such a thing.
But if you’re thinking is correct, then you will believe that death came into the world through one man’s sin. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The cross is the solution for our universal problem of sin and death. The cross is God’s mercy, not His anger. Only people who have minds that have been corrupted by evolution, false beliefs, and sin would think of God in these terms.
I know your objection to the Garden of Eden. You blame God for sin. You say that anyone would have sinned in such circumstances. Here’s another example of your ignorance. I’ll tell you something you never considered. Did you know that Adam and Eve did not have a sinful nature? That was only given to them after their sin. You cannot compare our condition with those of Adam and Eve’s. We all have sinful natures because we inherited those from our first parents. But Adam and Eve did not have such a disadvantage.
They did have, however, a whole world to do anything they wanted. A whole world’s worth of choices, enjoyments, and pleasure. They only had one tiny prohibition. Just one. Not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Their sin was truly a sin indeed. God warned them that they would die on that day, and spiritually they did. Physical death also started on that day. Their sin was a sin of the highest rank because they had such an advantageous position, and they blew it. God had to put one condition - just one, however small, to create something called free will. It was the best case scenario for free will. Without free will, we would’ve just been robots who could not really love. But Adam and Eve sinned and created death.
God could’ve said, “To Hell with you!” and given up on us. But instead, he became a man himself, called the Second Adam. He fulfilled the law, and lived the only perfect life ever. And in mercy, He died in our place to pay for our sins. He rose again on the third day to give life to anyone who would just believe this story. And you call this evil. You call this a religion of blood. Well, your blood is on your own head. You have heard, now you’re accountable. You’d better believe in Jesus before it’s too late. You will find His story in the New Testament of the bible.


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