Mick Alexander


I like to encourage all believers to watch my video, called Are You A Saved Or An Unsaved Believer? and to examine themselves to see if they are in the faith.


Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Country: AU


Blogs: 49
youtubes: 145
Groups: 1

Salvation Part 3

Duration: 00:09:56
Dear Friends,I have just uploaded my latest video called Salvation Part 3 - A deeper look at living according to the Spirit. False peace and false guilt.If it has not yet appeared on this site then, in the meantime, you can watch it on YouTube at Salvation Part 3 My apologies if you receive this more that once. It just means that some of us are on more than one site. If getting more than one email is a problem, please remove me from your friend list on all but one site.If you think your friends, or Facebook contacts etc, would appreciate this video, please forward it on.God bless,Mick


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