
   This site is dedicated to JESUS CHRIST.We finished a book called "ONLY GOD." We wanted to share the book with  you, the listener. It tells about our trials & struggles we have been & how God brought us to this point of our lives.   Without Him, we couldn't have made it through these hard & rough times... We give God all the praise, glory & honor. God Bless Jim N Carolyn Barber from South Fulton, TN.Happy


Location: South Fulton, TN
Zipcode: 38257
Country: US


Pages: 3
Songs: 20

Chapter 15: Trials; Who Is Responible? God or The Devil?

genre: Spoken Word
streams: 3

Is a trial an attack from satan?  Or has it been purposefully allowed by God?  The reason we ask is because if it’s from satan, we will seek to resist it, pray against it, and try to overcome it. But if it’s from God, we will seek to accept it, surrender to His will, and rejoice through it.

Chapter 15: Trials; Who Is Responible? God or The Devil?


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