Rachel Belman


Rachel Belman is a young singer/songwriter with a heart to impact her listeners lives through her music. People everywhere are very much the same. Love, heartache, and joy are emotions unique to our created humanity and music is a gift from God designed to minister to our entire being. Inspiration for Rachel's songs comes from a close relationship with her Creator of whom she daily seeks to diligently follow. He has gifted her with a love for people and for music. She has combined these two loves so that those who listen may be comforted, edified, and embraced with God's love. Her mission is to affect the lives of people around the world in a positive way.


Location: Clovis, CA
Zipcode: 93619
Country: US


Blogs: 1
youtubes: 9
Songs: 29
videos: 1

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album: The Call
streams: 24

T. Roy Taylor
05/05/21 10:33:08AM @t-roy-taylor:

James Banfield had this on his Charts at Number #1 and after just listening to it I see why! How can a songwriter pick a more powerful song title like "BELIEVE"? This song will be time well spent if you take the time to listen to it. A spirit filled song by Rachel Belman!

James Banfield
03/26/17 01:43:47PM @james-banfield:

A Couple of years ago I just loved this song... thank you for the great look back... I remembered that this song was a #1 song a couple of years ago but it warrants another listen.. Thank You Rachel love the harmonies... I pray things are going well for you... Love in Christ, JB  Indie Gospel's Top 20 Monthly Chart. its #19 on April's Chart....  :)

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