Rev Daniel


Rev. Daniel W. Blair is a retired Southern Baptist Minister, who has studied at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, served as Pastor of churches in both California and Kentucky, led many revivals, and preached internationally. Reverend Blair stays active podcasting Revelation Truth and is an inspired writer keeping up a popular blog, and producing Christian videos. Reverend Blair ministers and counsels many hurting people on the social media site Facebook. He has seen firsthand how the devil and a multitude of psychological problems have taken their toll on Christians. Blair’s passion for helping Christians to overcome their many problems has led him to write his second book entitled Stand Firm now available through my online bookstore or at a bookstore near you.



Blogs: 18
Files: 2
youtubes: 4
Groups: 1
Songs: 2

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Final Warning

By Rev Daniel, 2015-03-15
Final Warning

This is your final warning, repent now or experience the full extent of God’s wrath that will be poured out on our country. I wrote these words back in 2006 and every day since, these words become more prophetic for a country that has all but turned its back on the one true God.

Thus saith […] please read this important article before commenting at



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Book Sale

By Rev Daniel, 2015-03-14
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Pastors Fund

By Rev Daniel, 2015-03-13
Pastors Fund

New PASTORS FUND to help turn the tide of psychiatric abuse.  

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Standing against Goliath

By Rev Daniel, 2015-03-11
Standing against Goliath

Standing against Goliath


When David stood against his goliath he stood against the largest and most feared soldier of his time. When William Wilberforce stood against the evil slave trade in England he stood against the wealthiest and most powerful men of his time. But in both cases God won the victory by vanquishing their foes and leading […] please read this important article before posting a comment at:



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“Guiding Principles for Biblical Counseling”  by Rev. Daniel W. Blair

“Guiding Principles for Biblical Counseling”  
by Rev. Daniel W. Blair


When did we start referring our brothers and sisters to the world for counseling? When did Christian counselors stop believing that His Word had everything we need for life and godliness? When did they start going to the world for their guidance and approved methodology for counseling? Psychiatry and psychology have consistently asserted that people should be “salvaged” from the chains of...

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By Rev Daniel, 2015-03-05

Temptation is another while of the devil, but the Christian can overcome it by putting on the breastplate of righteousness.  Only righteousness can turn away temptation. We must learn how to walk in righteousness at all times . In fact, the more we walk in righteousness, the easier it becomes to deal with temptation and the evil thoughts that come into our mind. The Apostle Paul received this wisdom directly from the Lord. So let’s go take a closer look.

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New CAPA Chapter in Canada

By Rev Daniel, 2015-03-05
New CAPA Chapter in Canada


Meet Ken Rich from  Newfoundland , Canada

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Quote from my book: "Stand Firm"

By Rev Daniel, 2015-02-26
Quote from my book: "Stand Firm"

I will be posting select quotes from my latest book: “Stand Firm, Godly Counsel for the Last Days” The book is available on Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and also on my secure website:

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