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I am hoping to get your help with something. I have just been nominated "2009 GEM Awards Spoken Artist of the Year" and I am looking for your votes. You can vote as many times as you like. The GEM Awards will be held at West Side Theather Guild in Gary, IN on June 27, 2009.
The method for voting is simple: Just send a blank email to GEM_Awards@yahoo.com and in the subject line put "Robert T Sells, the Anointed Poet - Spoken Word Artist of the Year". That's it! I hope to win in this category.
I will also be performing at the awards show so if you would like to come out and support I will have tickets. The prices are $20 for general admission and $50 for VIP, which allows you...
By Robert T Sells, 2009-12-13
My name is Robert Sells. I am the poetry editor and monthly contributing writer for Divine Inspirations Magazine. I am just starting a new monthly column called, "A Brief Moment With... " and I'm looking to feature independent artists, self-published authors, and anyone who is doing something for God.
If you are following your God-given purpose in life, please send an email to me at robsells@comcast.net. Please include in the subject line the words "artist spotlight request" and I will send you the information you need. We will review your page here on Indie Gospel Artists and we will be selecting people to be featured every month.
I look forward to receiving your email.
God bless you,
Robert T Sells
Have you ever tried to put toothpaste back in the dispenser after you squeezed it out? It is virtually impossible. You can try to push it back into the cap but all it will do is spread out over your hand and make a big mess. You can try to cut the back end and put it in that way and that will actually work. But the problem is now you have an open tube that will constantly leak every time you try to push more out of the front end.
When we are quick to anger we tend to say things that we shouldn’t say. And just like the toothpaste that comes out of the end, when we allow evil things to come out of our mouths they are out there and we can’t put them back now. Words can be very damaging. The Bible is very specific about words, “From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”...
Okay I know you guys are probably like, "That Rob is out of his mind" when you read this title. LOL! But this was truly amazing that God showed me this. Yesterday after church Marlas and I went out to eat and as we were sitting down eating there was this fly that would come around, land on the table, then try to walk toward our food, then land on it while we were sitting there! The nerve of that little thing! He tried to take our food right from under our noses even though he would probably have died if we had a fly swatter! LOL!
Here's the thing: When you go after God, do you continue to go hard no matter what the devil tries to do to you? When he slaps you hard do you stop reading your Word? When he sends a fellow church member to treat you wrong do you stop attending your church or any church for that matter? When a loved one passes away when you were praying to God for their healing do you stop praying?
You see we have to be like a...