Ron Cervero


My story with God I was running with the devil most of my life. Drugs, alcohol, and a lot of sexual promiscuity. I lived in L.A. working in the t.v. and film business in Hollywood. Need I say more? In 1991 I came to the end of myself, and the Lord put on my heart that there was more to life than this. I was in so much pain from my depression that I thought that I was going to die. I went to every Doctor under the sun, and they all told me that it was in my mind. I wrestled with that analogy for a long time. I was suffering, so much that I was laying on the floor in my parents house snorting cocaine, and drinking to ease my pain. I remembered that I took a New Testament from a hotel in Morrow Beach, California, and I began to read. I read the first 2 Gospels and by God's Grace I believed! I fell on my face to ask Jesus to forgive me for my sins, and also asked Him if He was real to show Himself to me. He did in a powerful way. My life has never been the same since. I am now an ambassador of His Divine Mercy.


Location: Branford, CT
Zipcode: 06405
Country: US


images: 10
youtubes: 2
Songs: 38

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album: Reshredded
streams: 34

T. Roy Taylor
09/03/20 10:26:32AM @t-roy-taylor:

While listening to this Master Musician perform I envisioned the hosts of the Lord's army falling in rankĀ 

behind Him with their swords drawn readying themselves for battle with the enemy. And we know who the Victor is!

This brother has taken the talent the Lord has blessed him with and the Lord has multiplied it! Great song Ron!!


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