Sarah Mazzie


I believe in God I worship God, I believe in Jesus I Follow Jesus.


Location: Greensburg, PA
Zipcode: 15601
Country: US


Blogs: 5

The Persecution of Christians

user image 2009-09-02
By: Sarah Mazzie
Posted in:
Ken, you wrote,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hi Everyone,

I regret that I had to ban a member for continually posting what most Christians consider to be obvious and flagrant heresy.

.................So, I suppose you're taking up where the Reformations took off?

One mans truth, is another mans heresy, and only God is infallible.

................... That's correct, and obviously you're beliefs are 100% accurate so who can argue with you?

Therefore, tremendous efforts should be made to respect an individuals freedom of conscience, and expression.

............So you're protecting others from heresy? Is that what Jesus would do? If I recall he never turned his back on anyone, obviously the faith you represent is something other than what Jesus taught.

That being said, it is also necessary to ...contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3)

..........Really? Is that what you believe you're doing? Belief can be very powerful, it can also be very deceiving especially when you believe the Truth is something it isn't.

It is the goal of this network to spread the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, as recorded in Scripture.


Much freedom is given for opinions and debate, but those only interested in spreading obvious and flagrant heresies, which they are not able to defend by Scripture and reason, will be banned.

.........It's very unfortunate that you view the Christian religion as something that needs your defense. I would think your part as a Christian would be to be a good example, not guard the gates, and brand heretics.

The volunteer admin staff, and myself, reached the consensus, that this particular member had crossed that line, and repeated warnings were not heeded.

........Did you ever for one moment think that your own beliefs are the ones that are corrupt? I didn't think so.

The posting regulations are linked below. This was an extreme case, and I am not aware of anyone else who is in violation.

.............Add my name to your list. I no longer wish to be a part of an organization which persecutes fellow Christians for not dotting their I's and crossing their T's
Ken Rich
09/03/09 05:54:01AM @ken-rich:
Hi Sarah, First of all, our new admin John Lord posted this in response to you, but it is a separate blog. Perhaps it should have been a comment here instead, so you don't miss it. My own thoughts are mostly questions? Where would you personally draw the line? I didn't create this network to spread heresies, I created it to spread the Gospel. If anyone can have free reign here, to fill the network up with postings that teach falsehoods, how will that serve God? You personally make strong statements against witchcraft, and the new age movement. Do you think we should allow Wiccans and New Agers to fill the network up with their teachings? At what point would this become a Wicca site, instead of a Gospel site, if we didn't ban those who attempted to do that? This individual was blocking opposing comments in an attempt to make himself infallible, which was against the posted regulations. I gave him warnings that he did not heed. Further, I gave him the opportunity to defend his teachings, in public debate, but he was unable (or unwilling), to do so. Instead, he just wanted to paste up post after post about how Christians worship Zeus instead of God, and other indefensible teachings, born of the " Jewish Roots " movement. There are many fine people in that movement, in fact, we have another member from that general school of thought, who can discuss his beliefs in a mature and reasonable manner, and even after a lengthy debate with me, he is still here, although I personally disagree with much of what he believes. He doesn't attempt to fill the network up with things he knows the vast majority of Christians find offensive, or legalistic, although he has a huge arsenal of that material available to him. He has tact, shows maturity, and is willing to be reasonable - to discuss instead of fuss - so I am happy to have him aboard. This isn't an inquisition, or a witch hunt, no one is being persecuted, or burned at the stake. The member was written a nice letter and shown the door - that's all. So, as far as I can see, unless we want this network to become a Wicca site, or a Jewish Roots site, or something other than a Gospel site - there are going to have to be some reasonable limitations placed on what content members can place here. If you know of a better way of running the network, I would be more than happy to listen to your suggestions. The volunteer staff and myself are doing the best we can to make this a nice Christian site, but it's not as easy as you might think. With love and respect, Ken
Jean Winter
09/04/09 02:49:27PM @jean-winter:
Hi Sarah I don't normally comment when people blog, but I do feel this time I have to. I have to agree with both Ken and John on this one. Have you read the Mission Statement Sarah? It's linked on the home page, or do I need to cut and paste it here. It clearly states:- To win hearts and minds by spreading the Gospel through music and Christian resources. Meaning of 'Gospel' 1. Teachings of Jesus and the apostles. 2. The story of Christ's life and teachings. The man who was banned was flooding the network with teachings that Jesus is actually Zeus, and that Christians are worshiping a false God. That's not 'Gospel' Like John, I also read that man's postings and to me they were dangerous and offensive. I have read your postings before, to me you seem the kind of woman that always has to be right, yet you are telling Ken he is always wrong. I have a feeling you just like to stir up trouble. Guess I should put my broomstick back in the closet, before you go for my throat too. God Bless Jean


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