Sarah Mazzie


I believe in God I worship God, I believe in Jesus I Follow Jesus.


Location: Greensburg, PA
Zipcode: 15601
Country: US


Blogs: 5


Secret Witchcraft

By Sarah Mazzie, 2009-05-30

After viewing the Oprah Show featuring The Secret I decided that somebody somewhere needed to help Christians discern the fact that The Secret is not a Christian concept, and as such should be avoided. Why you ask? My answer is,,,, Why you ask?............... And that's the very reason I'm writing this exhortation.

Most Christians have no idea what they believe or why they believe it. It's because of our lackadaisical belief systems that new age occult beliefs such as The Secret seep in to our consciousness and have such strong appeal over us. So in order to completely, and accurately blow the wind out of The Secrets sails I decided to buy a copy of the book. As I stood in line at Walden Books I laughed to myself. What a joke, I'm paying, as thousands if not millions of other people are for this book that's as far from the Truth as you can get. I'm going to leave here, read the book, and try my best to reveal this lie, and next to nobody will...
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By Sarah Mazzie, 2009-06-01
Galatians 5:16,17
16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

Human spirit belief is the foundation that New Age beliefs are built upon. As you know, The New Age teaches that we must contact our human spirit. That we must re-program it, so that our beliefs line up with their truths. In other words what they're trying to say is that you've believed untruths, (and we have) and these untruths concern untruths about ourselves and our religions. (that's correct also) The problem is that the alternative path they offer for you to save yourself from yourself is another lie. The New Age substitute which appears to be the Truth but is not is a stumbling block aimed to deceive you.

Now, those who practice New Age. teachings don't feel deceived,...
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By Sarah Mazzie, 2009-07-11
Another Gospel

Jesus warned us to beware of another gospel, and there's been many gospels contrary to the teachings of Jesus, but today another gospel has materialized, and that gospel is a very dangerous threat to Christianity. This other gospel is being taught by the New Age Movement, and is also the testimony of those who've received it from demonic aliens in UFO's, and other channeled entities.

I believe we must understand the enemy, as well as his plan. If we're aware of his capabilities, then his attack will come as no surprise. The problem lies in the fact that the church is unaware that it's under attack, or that another gospel exists or that that gospel is going to be used against us. In fact this new gospel is being transformed into the old gospel right before Christianities eyes.

The New Age Movement teaches that we must contact our spirit. They claim we must nurture it, and become aware of the divinity within us. Our first clue of this...
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~~~~~A Happy Ending~~~~~

By Sarah Mazzie, 2009-07-30
Yesterday, I locked my keys in the car. I was only 4 miles from home, but 4 miles may as well have been 40. I had to figure out how I was going to fix my stupidity. I couldn't reach anyone by phone to rescue me so I walked up to a strange guy on the street and said "is there still a cab company in town"? He said "no". I told him my predicament hoping he might offer me a ride... and at the same time hoping he didn't.......... He didn't.... So I stood there thinking, then,, I noticed a woman getting into her van. I rushed over to her and asked if she might be going my way. She said," No, But sure I'll take you."

I got in, we began talking. I offered to give her money for gas, she declined. She said she was divorced, had 3 kids and worked at the Dollar Store. She said she was on her way to try and buy a cheep bike for her eight year old son. Someone had apparently made fun of him because he was riding his sisters old pink bike. I said "I have a bike" (I knew I had at least 2...
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The Persecution of Christians

By Sarah Mazzie, 2009-09-02
Ken, you wrote,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hi Everyone,

I regret that I had to ban a member for continually posting what most Christians consider to be obvious and flagrant heresy.

.................So, I suppose you're taking up where the Reformations took off?

One mans truth, is another mans heresy, and only God is infallible.

................... That's correct, and obviously you're beliefs are 100% accurate so who can argue with you?

Therefore, tremendous efforts should be made to respect an individuals freedom of conscience, and expression.

............So you're protecting others from heresy? Is that what Jesus would do? If I recall he never turned his back on anyone, obviously the faith you represent is something other than what Jesus taught.

That being said, it is also necessary to ...contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3)

..........Really? Is that what you believe you're...
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