Sarah Mazzie


I believe in God I worship God, I believe in Jesus I Follow Jesus.


Location: Greensburg, PA
Zipcode: 15601
Country: US


Blogs: 5

~~~~~A Happy Ending~~~~~

user image 2009-07-30
By: Sarah Mazzie
Posted in:
Yesterday, I locked my keys in the car. I was only 4 miles from home, but 4 miles may as well have been 40. I had to figure out how I was going to fix my stupidity. I couldn't reach anyone by phone to rescue me so I walked up to a strange guy on the street and said "is there still a cab company in town"? He said "no". I told him my predicament hoping he might offer me a ride... and at the same time hoping he didn't.......... He didn't.... So I stood there thinking, then,, I noticed a woman getting into her van. I rushed over to her and asked if she might be going my way. She said," No, But sure I'll take you."

I got in, we began talking. I offered to give her money for gas, she declined. She said she was divorced, had 3 kids and worked at the Dollar Store. She said she was on her way to try and buy a cheep bike for her eight year old son. Someone had apparently made fun of him because he was riding his sisters old pink bike. I said "I have a bike" (I knew I had at least 2 or 3 bikes in my shed that my kids used to ride. They all drive cars now) I said "I'll give you one." She said "Oh that would be wonderful". She went on to tell me that she could hardly make ends meet, and didn't know where she was going to get the money to even buy a used bike.

We arrived at my house, luckily I had a touch pad entry on my garage doors. I got the keys opened the shed and there it was my sons old "Silver Streak" It was a nice bike, a little rusty, but a Cadillac of 2 wheelers. She gasped "Oh my son's going to love me" I was happy. She quickly put the bike in the back of her van and returned me to my car.

I thought as I got back in my car "God surely works in mysterious ways" What a good day...................
Ken Rich
07/30/09 11:05:10PM @ken-rich:
What a sweet story. It often happens that way, divine appointments I call them. It sometimes seems as though God arranges circumstances in such a way, as to make these types of encounters happen.
Sarah Mazzie
07/30/09 11:24:01PM @sarah-mazzie:
Yes, odd things happen to me like this a lot. It's taught me to do things on Gods time not my own. If things don't go as I planned I just roll with it and change my plans to suit the inconveniences. You never know.................


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