Unlocking Faith | Charity & Eric Abbott


About Me Bio Is Coming Soon:


Eric Abbott: Project Manager - https://www.facebook.com/ericabbott28

Charity Jackson - Artist - https://www.facebook.com/charity.jackson.967


Blogs: 2
youtubes: 1
Songs: 1
videos: 1

Give Yourselves FULLY To The Work of the Lord

By Charity Jackson, 2016-12-01

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When God Calls You (P1)

A career is something you choose, a calling however is something you receive. 

A career is something you do for yourself; and a calling something you do for God.

A career promises status, money and power; however a calling most of the time promises difficulty , suffering, and the opportunity to be used by God. 

A career may end with retirement and lots of toys; a calling does not end until the day you die.

A career can be disrupted by any number of events, but God enables you to fulfill your calling even in the most difficult circumstances.

For some people in scripture obeying the call of God meant living in slavery, being captured and sent into exite, or being put to death.

Their career trajectories didn't look promising, yet they fulfilled their calling in extraordinary ways. Chuck Colson had one of the highest profile careers in...

Charity & Eric's Daily Devotional's

By Charity Jackson, 2016-12-01

Daily Devotions from Eric & Charity