Life can be a joy and it can be overwhelming. There are many fascinating incredible things that you probably experienced in your lifetime. But at the same time you probably seen people come and go. I was so enthusiastic as a young man that when people went (passed away) and left planet Earth it was a little weird. I mean I think I was so busy with life that it didn't affect me. Some people appear so blessed but the Lord Jesus Christ was a man well acquainted with sorrow and he had nowhere to lay his head. He was rejected and despised of his own. No I know you say you know what it's like but you really don't but some people do.

February twenty-two 2020 to 4:40 p.m.
What is life?
According to the Bible, in John 17:3, the meaning of life is to know Jesus Christ. And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
(The unblemished Lamb of God)
Extracted sentence that is interesting..
"Through Job’s life, we can learn about God’s sovereignty over the suffering of His saints."
There is a God. He's hid his face from mankind because man is a sinner and rejects the light and also that relationship was severed. But he tells us in his word seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open onto you. As written he is a reward-er for those who diligently seek him. Life is about getting to know God, loving and forgiving. Life does not end when you leave planet Earth. Hell is a real place. You think of people like Abraham who was way before the technology we have now and yes he's the father of many nations and God kept his promise. The true God is the God of Israel and he is the God of the Bible as we are created in His image.
(The whole duty of man is to obey God's Commandments)
If you listen to The Sermon on the Mount that is probably the greatest sermon in the world given by the son of God. He tells us what life is there. To love your neighbours as yourself and to love God with all your heart mind and soul. To forgive and not to live in the carnal flesh but to live in the spirit which is life. Jesus himself is life and he is the Vine. Life isn't possible without him. He said those that don't bring forth good fruit are cut down and cast Into the Fire. As Christians we are commanded to live a holy life because God is Holy. God created everything seen and unseen and he has a will.
The wages of sin is death. The Earth is teaming with life. Plant life, animal life, and human life. Humans are made in the image of God. The power of life and death is in the tongue. God said I put life and death before you choose life.
Remember when Jesus cursed the fig tree and it died? That was to show that those that don't bring forth good fruit are cut down and cast Into the Fire. Man is ignorant to think that hell is non-existent because it is as real as the Earth is. God's word tells us the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I just wanted to touch base today on what is life. We can go on here page after page and even get into our personal experiences. The fool has said in his heart there is no God. Now of course John 3:16 as you can have everlasting life if you repent of your sins and you call upon the Lord to save you. Salvation is of the Lord. You have to believe in the life deaths and Resurrection of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus Christ can change you inside out and give you a real meaning of life. If you are to have a relationship with the true God and because if somebody has the father they also have the son that is relationship. So we are to have relationships which people but our greatest relationship is God. But we are not to follow the world because the world does not obey God but it obeys its own. We are to be like Christ.