Tagged: john 10:10

Be not unequally yoked together
Unequally yoked together
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof
Hellbound evil generation
Evil generation of their father the devil
justifiable law.jpg
Think not I have come to abolish
Justifiable law
LET no man Separate
LET no man Separate
The abundant  life in Christ
The abundant  life in Christ
New Project.jpg
What happens at death
What happens at death
He that loveth his brother
He that loveth his brother
Eternal life? Not easy believism
What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?
Will I find FAITH when I return?
Will I find FAITH when I return
God is sovereign
God is sovereign
Earth is teaming with life
What is life?
Don't believe the serpent
Don't Believe The Serpent
Masked Fauci.jpg
Masked Deception with ulterior motives
Truth being masked
Disabled Person Attacked 3.jpg
Disabled Person Attacked 3
Disabled Person Attacked PleS(002)
user image
@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
James is speaking the truth. I want you to listen to his sermon on hell. I am appealing to you to listen to James sermon on hell. You need to ask yourself are you saved and are you following the truth. If you die today where would you be.

A Family In Hell (Hell is a real place) it’s not a joke. God gave man dominion but when you leave this life you will find out it’s not the end. You either will come under judgement and face torment or you will be granted eternal life. You can’t have it both ways. As true Christians we are to warn people about the coming judgment. And that’s what brother James is doing. I appeal to you to get biblical saved true salvation. You need to believe in the glorious gospel of the biblical Lord Jesus Christ.

A Family In Hell


Lies wont save your soul. There is only one method of salvation. It is to repent and believe in the gospel. You have to receive the lord Jesus Christ. That is the glorious gospel of the biblical Lord Jesus Christ. The God of this world has blinded the minds of so many people. That’s what the Bible tells us and that is also been the really for centuries to date. So many people follow lies and are not truly saved.

Bless Ruben Israel.


Redeem the time for the days are evil just as it was in Noah’s day

Lovers of their own selves without natural affection

There will be a coming judgment. One day the great Day of the Lord will present itself. Is man on borrowed time?

Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs