Why didn't God forgive the rich man that didn't feed the Lazarus and send him to hell? Why didn't God forgive the thief on the cross who kept mocking him but never repented? Why did Jesus preach hell if it does not exist? It's clear that the angels will bundle the tars and cast them into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
SEE : Christian News
July 28th 2022 6:44 a.m.
Destroyed for lack of knowledge. Actually the rejecting of knowledge and the real way.
You know when Christ tells people he never knew them on the day of judgment and he tells them or instructs them to get away from him because their workers of iniquity what was their iniquity? And why are we as true believers even going to obey, why just not carry on like everybody else because you'll end up in hell like other people that are lawless. You see they can't physically see their destination but they're already spiritually dead. They live a deceived life such as these people who are religious but lacking relationships. This is why the man and wife become one flesh to God. Even a true Christian woman is the same as a man in essence and I'm not talking about service. She's very valuable and in marriage they become one flesh. Where this can be particularly complicated is if you have a woman that became a true Christian but her husband is on the borderline and either faking it or trying to accommodate her so he doesn't lose his wife. That can occur and that's why I mentioned it. But getting back to what are the sins of the people rejected on Judgement Day? What was their greatest wrapping is that 1. T hey were filled with religion but that did not wipe away their sins in fact it pushed them away from the relationship with the master and so he doesn't recognize them but they think that they're righteous because they did some religious rituals/work. Remember God said that you need a new heart. Remember in John 3:3 he said a man must be born again. So we've established that and he also said it's a straight and narrow door and few are there that find it in their lifetimes. You know the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That's when you start to understand. It's not an easy road to travel and the world for the most loves its own and rejects this way and claims the name of Jesus but only gives him lip service. So many serve that Jesus of their liking. Not the one described in the King James Bible. It's conditional and we cannot compare ourselves completely to the man on the cross because he was in front of the Son of God himself. In fact on the cross with him and gave repentance testimony. The Street Preachers sometimes put many sins on their signs. I'm talking about a list of them and while other people who are worldly meaning they are not in Christ but they are living in their sins dying the spiritual death everyday in rebellion sometimes gets very upset at street preachers pointing it out. Jesus pointed it out to the Pharisees and he called them whitewashed tombs. They look good and they appear religious even wanting the chief seats in the synagogues and the greetings from people but in their heart their filthy dirty and Evil and so I'm going to put the street preachers sign here and you could ponder over it.
Read the sign above and ask yourself are you on this list. Do you murder people with your speech because your tongue a little member of your body has the power of life and death.
You can have a husband and wife married for 80 years and have a celebration and they die in their sins and still go to hell. You see the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is everlasting life. Christ is the resurrection. Christ is the way the truth and the life.
Now in Matthew 7 where he's talking about those who are cast to out darkness it's obvious they didn't have good fruits. They had evil fruits. He talks about the fruit of good men and not of good men.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire .
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them .
He let it be known if it's done to the least of people it's done unto him.
42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me . ’
See the above that is future the day of judgment despite being saved by grace through faith. Whoever done this if they were saved and they weren't keeping score they did it out of the abundance of their good redeemed heart in faith. It wasn't done to boast or for pride but as a good samaritan. It was their duty in glorifying God and bearing good fruit. It was their nature. But to be lawless could be a bunch of things especially abusing people. You know he did say even Apostle Paul I boast in my preaching. But to be arrogant and condescending even a self-righteous jackass is evil. He said be gentle as doves but as wise as serpents. You have to seek his righteousness. He has to be the teacher being the master. I mean what's the use of being called a saint if you're a jackass. Pardon the pun.
Other additional thoughts:
8:08 July 20, 2022
When the alignment is out and the foundation is not the original that will put your whole perspective in a bent state of mind. Imagine you have three doors like those game shows the Price is Right and you got to pick the right door to enter the kingdom of God. Remember the Bible says the devil receives the entire planet being the world. There is a very deceiving spirit in this world. You need to have a relationship and to know God.
Most of the time I don't research this but I try to interpret it by scripture and by being a Christian and having experience but I did look at this link which is also very close to a lot of things I've said in these blogs about I never knew you.
What did Jesus mean when He said, “I never knew you. Depart from me”?