Tagged: repentance

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No repentance no guilt no shame
No repentance no guilt no shame
The mercies of God
The mercies of God
Fruit worthy of repentance
Fruit worthy of repentance
God hath tempered the body together
God hath tempered the body together
Overloaded with sin
Castaway into outer Darkness
Reward of the inheritance:
Reward of the inheritance
Adam 44.jpg
Adam 44
Repentance when ingrafted inn
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
Life is a vapour here today and gone tomorrow

Do you know why do I even bother putting this here! Are you a newcomer to biblical Christianity? There’s a lot to learn and Christians learn. So I found this video interesting. It is realistic and even though it seems a bit polished because these are not amateurs but there is a lot of truth to this. The Bible was not written by King James. King James assembled a bunch of scholars and perhaps theologians or whoever they were to assemble one of the greatest translations of scripture. It took a long time and it was done properly. Of course there are other translations of the Bible. But the KJV is incredible. Christianity being biblical Christianity is true.

Believers beware of counterfeit King James Bibles
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
Updates are here January 19, 2022

The gospel must be preached and the good news needs to be shared.

You must be born again


So important. As in the days of Noah.

Damned if you won’t listen

You know it’s incredible that he’s not being chased by the LGBT community as in Canada that David Lynn was. And he’s actually teaching correction. There’s only one true God and he’s not happy with the rebellion in the world.
Hardcore New York City Street Preaching | A Documentary Film | Jesse Morrell
Hell is real let no man fool you
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
I have updated this today. Now it’s a little bit of a lengthy blog. But it’s relevant and important.

Would you go to heaven if you died today? A journey into preaching to the lost.

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@wayne-sanelli • 5 years ago
Pick UP Your cross

The Good News Gospel: Hypocrites who shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces

Making your bed in hell

Stop taking the name of God in vein on Vimeo

The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us


Songbird, Cindy Tilkens

album: SHINE YOUR FAITH available on Amazon.com
genre: GOSPEL