Unfortunately I just heard that Lisa Marie Presley has just passed away and condolences to her family. I strongly urge people out there to seek the God of the Bible . To seek the Christ of the Bible being Yeshua Hamashiach Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. This is heartbreaking for anybody who has half of a heart. Jesus Christ of Nazareth gave his life as a ransom for many so make sure you know him and don't leave planet Earth without true salvation .

The Spirit of Truth World Rejects
This is what came up of importance. Folks the way is narrow and straight and it is not the way of the world at all.
You know the world rejects the narrow straight way. You can hear it in the mouth of the comedians that they're not scared to use the tongue for swearing. Jesus of Nazareth said it is not the drought that comes out of a person that defiles the person but what comes out of their mouth comes directly from their heart. The problem is sin . If you examine the life of celebrities you will see the disease of sin. They hoard the world.
People do not realize that God has warned us that the way is straight and narrow as the life is in Christ not in the world. John 10:10 James 4:4 Matthew 7:14 Let me say that again life is in Christ not, not, not in the world. Colossians 3:3 - 5 If you gain the world you will stand a great chance, a great probability of losing your soul. Losing your soul means you end up in Hell burning pain unable to die for what we perceive as forever. The World is under control wickedness of the evil one as God's word confirms this so you can't serve two masters. 1 John 5:19. Matthew 6:24 It is enmity to befriend the world. We are commanded by God himself to live a holy life. Celebrities do not live a holy life. For the most part they prove that you cannot serve the world and God. In Noah's day the evil upon the Earth was so great that the destruction of all flesh had become before God and he flooded the whole world. Genesis 6:13 As it is written so shall it be at the coming of the son of man. Today as you can see the rebellion of the world against the true God is great. You can see we have something called gay marriage. We have the LGBT community protesting in Pride. God considers what they do is an abomination before him and as it is written Nations that forget God are turned into hell including the wicked. Psalm 917 to 20 Abortions is another one. Exodus 21:24 I seen a newscast woman saying in sort of protesting for gay marriage and gay rights Canada was one of the first Nations to allow gay marriage. One celebrity once referred to Canada as the promised land and he passed away. I believe he was from Huntsville Arkansas . What will it take to get through to you to pick up the Bible read it and start praying. Repent or you will perish. 3:44 a.m. January 13 2023
How The Devil Deceives The World
Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good
Hell is Pitch Black