Ephesians 5:19
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”
- 151,600 people die each day.
- 6,316 people die each hour.
Have you repented and have you believed on the only name given onto man in which he can find Salvation the Lord Jesus Christ or if you're Jewish Yeshua Hamashiach. Immanuel God With Us
Jerry Lee Lewis - The Devils music
I did a blog on this recently giving you my testimony and my thoughts. So I found this podcast video about Jerry Lee Lewis and I heard of his life before. Like others he lived it appears a very extremely sinful life. We can't be Pharisees and condemn everything because there are some beautiful ballads that aren't against God and they're just telling a story but you can't be into two kingdoms. You don't hear about Moses doing this. You don't read about Christ following musicians from his day or even having a love for pets he came to call sinners to repentance, be a suffering servant, and die on the cross for the sins of the world. A great majority of famous people are not true believers and are actually massively deceived. They write songs as Sting recently did about Jonas of the prophet but they themselves are deceived greatly. They're reaping the world and going to perish. Elvis was edging on true biblical Christianity but look at his life this man with great vanity of sex drugs and rock & roll as his former wife talked about that in an interview one time. When you're caught up in the world in a sense you sell your soul out and people will say well you can't really sell your soul because God owns it but you're in the devil's territory and that's all there is to it. It does not bear holy fruit.
Dear Jerry Lee Lewis if you ever come across this or somebody else preaches to you get rid of it because it is against God. You know better and yes God punished you but other people were punished as well and it talks about this scripture as they say you know scripture in the video podcast.
Now in accordance to this video podcast Sam Phillips the producer or the late Sam Phillips was a music producer and once you get into that you get into territory that goes against the holy scriptures and you will justify it and there are those true Christians that will look at such a person say they are backslidden and they're not really true Christians. Sure they know their Bible but are they doers of the word. There are true Christians that have Ministries today preaching on the streets and they have testimony when they were backslidden. If you die in your sins that's a bad thing. You're risking losing your soul by gaining the world. You cannot love Christ and do such a thing.
Isn't it interesting that Elvis Presley came from the same Studio and so did Johnny Cash although Johnny Cash did get into trouble but it appears he overcame but Elvis never overcame. Maybe Elvis did overcome if the rumors would have slightly been true. You can't serve two masters and Christ warned us that the way is very straight and narrow. Think of the gripping number of people that die around the hour every day which is huge and many die without Christ and many are not in Christ. Many know of Christ but they have no relationship and their massively deceived. They are risking losing their soul and they are under the influence that they are saved and going to heaven but just following the wrong path, the wrong spirit and the wrong religion which is not the faith of the Apostles. God is not religion God is the almighty God of Israel and he is relationship.
4:40 6.22.23
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Remember that.
In my afterthoughts and after notes this can get very extensive and I can go into this for time and time again but you should get the point that it is extremely easy to end up in hell. Imagine if you're one of the ones that hear that Christ never knew you because this is the scariest part in the Bible that he told us about. See the Bible doesn't say in vain the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The words are heavy and they mean exactly what they mean. You have to make a choice to live a holy life read the Bible pray and commit your life to the Lord Jesus Christ or commit your life to both and now you're not obeying him and you're not abiding in him because he told us he is the way the truth and the life.
Jerry Lee Lewis - The Devils music