The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, And delivereth them. O taste and see that the LORD is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him. O fear the LORD, ye his saints: For there is no want to them that fear him.
The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, And delivereth them. O taste and see that the LORD is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him. O fear the LORD, ye his saints: For there is no want to them that fear him.
You know I met people out there over the last few years especially street preachers and individual people with their own ministry doing their evangelism. Each has different methods. They're all valuable and they're to be commended for caring about people. I met a husband and wife married I believe 36 years both evangelizing together last year. The husband playing guitar Christian songs and then giving his preaching to passer byes about the scriptures and salvation and he even talked about Hellfire. I met one fella west end it was impressive and he might have learned buddhism but in his presentation evangelism he told the people that he doesn't believe those things. I met another baptist preacher that told me he was a buddhist but it didn't satisfy him. Even when you learn the real way you know in your spirit if it's not right. For example in the summer last year I was by the water and there was some rock band and there were beer drinkers and they smelled like alcohol and tobacco. I walked in there and young guys were playing these instruments but it was put in my spirit this is no place for you to be and so I left immediately. A guy drinking alcohol riding a mountain bike was drinking beer. By the way what's Willie Nelson's new song about? And so as brethren hopefully the brethren wants to do the will of God. It's not easy if a person's in ministry because they have great responsibilities. For example they'll have to have some sort of brochure which we call Bible Tracts. Not only are you going to want to tell them about Christ and the Bible but you're going to have to point them to some ministry location including some preacher which hopefully would be your ministry if you're evangelizing so you make a following and you then would feed these people the word of God and sort of counsel them and they become part of your entourage. So it's not an easy thing anybody who's in ministry and I just had to express my views on that. But lately there's been some unsettling news. There was news of a graphic display of abortion at some Catholic School in Ontario Canada. At first I didn't really make light of it but then when I heard again the feedback they compared it to things such as the holocaust. The students were outraged and many walked out. Ask street preachers how many religious people they find at the abortion clinics aboarding children. You see when you follow the world and you disobey the true God what other way are they supposed to get into your head when you're having sex and doing all the things God said not to do and aboarding these children which is murder and you're not listening well they got to get graphic a little bit to show you what you're causing when you're taking part in these things if you are. The Bible says the soul that sins it shall die. It also tells us to fear God who can throw us in hell and not man that can kill the body but after do no more. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The problem is when the devil and wicked men have blinded these people from the truth they despise their own soul and they're doing all the things that God warned not to do. The wages of sin brings death whether it be physical or spiritual. Which school was it that expelled a student for being against homosexuality and also raises the pride flag for the LGBT community but claims to represent God?
There's an example of young people not true Christians swearing. There's an example of people following the world that God warns about. Parents should be cautioned we're living in an evil day with deception everywhere and wicked devils following counterfeit Christianity
On top of all this there's news about immigration in Canada.
Reported on Rebel news and they also report the border issue in the United States of America they had this story also I believe in Alberta where they made it law that the parents have to be told about transgenderism in children specifically those pronouns. But they might be thinking about allowing large groups in Canada also reported on Rebel news. Alexa Levoir from Rebel news has covered the border issue in America and also in Canada. I believe one of them was Roxham Road.
"What is Roxham Road ? Roxham Road is bisected by the Canada-U.S. Border between Quebec and New York . It sits about 50 km south of Montreal. The road is a well-travelled unofficial border crossing for asylum seekers hoping to enter Canada." Feb 25, 2023
So are we in the end times? From everything we see and we also know we wrestle not against flesh and blood that what we're seeing is out of the ordinary especially what's going on in Israel. The world is going through trials and tribulation itself. When you study the Bible which is God's word and it's true you know there's very evil things to come but you also know there's a day of judgment called the great day of the Lord. GOD cautions in the Book of Amos. Judgment starts at the house of God. Now there might be discrepancy when that is. Just because you're a believer all of a sudden you want everybody to believe and the world to turn to righteousness but that's not what's going to happen according to scripture. Evil men will wax more evil and deceived people will treat true believers with contempt as their hearts are evil and deceived greatly as they are blind and wicked. There's an evil devil who is the god of this world. He offered Christ the kingdoms of the world and tempted him. He was unable to. But hopefully people will listen. I seen the podcast of Philip Blair from torch of Christ ministries preaching and a group of young men were swearing and he cautioned them about doing it in front of small children. This is the world we live in that people don't fear God because they don't know God nor do they believe in Hell which is real and we as true believers know that but they don't know/believe that. We would hope and pray that the word of God goes out and people come to true biblical salvation.
I come across this interesting question that this fellow was dealing with in his ministry why we put all our time and aspirations in the New Testament and we've done away with the Old Testament. This Christians thought this was an excellent question. The truth is we have not done away with the Old Testament although some things are of the past history. The Old and New Testament are in the Bible. We're told to be studied and show ourselves approved. Although in the New Testament we're not under the law and things that we see/maybe even practice are only a shadow of things to come. The real way is the narrow way and once the true God has set you free your free indeed but you still have the devils who are deceived and the atheists who are deceived and all of the wicked world that you live in. Do good regardless. When you find the truth and you become a true Christian that's not religion it's relationship you'll be set free and the Bible says you must be born again. John 3:3 But then you see there's a rebellion in the world and what it is really dreadful but you have to find happiness and peace because if God is with you that is pleasant and wonderful. Very important to say that the world draws nigh unto Christ and honors him with their lips but their hearts are far from him. A lot of people feed Satan's kingdom and they will die religious thinking they're going to heaven but they got the wrong vehicle and the wrong doctrine. We don't see everything out there but God does. We don't know about our Christian brothers and sisters we have around the world that are murdered solely for their faith everyday. Everyday hundreds maybe thousands around the world of babies are murdered they get aborted. Every day there's all sorts of violence around the world. Every day some fireman or some police officer loses their life doing their job. Every day people feed themselves evil and do all the things that God says don't do. Every day people die and lose their soul is this going to be you. When are you going to pick up and read the Bible and put down your handheld device and feeding your vanity friends everything that God says is evil. Every day talk show host make fun of things that have to do with Christ and the truth things of true doctrine ignorantly including comedians laughing about it but it won't be no laughing matter when they die. Luke 6:25 KJV