I put life and death before you choose life. Let the dead bury their dead you go preach the kingdom of God. Heaven and Earth will pass away but my word will never pass away.
I put life and death before you choose life. Let the dead bury their dead you go preach the kingdom of God. Heaven and Earth will pass away but my word will never pass away.
Re: Cliffe Knechtle was asked profound questions.
A blog was done entitled recently entitled " trying to kill Christ ." In that blog I summarized a general synopsis summary based on all these questions they asked Cliffe. They are some very complicated questions because around the world we have hospitals with people dying in them from cancers and very harsh horrible diseases. We have people losing limbs because of wars and we have transgender operations of children and other people and the complications thereof. We have abortions in the millions every year around the world and murders and all sorts of evils where the courts are full and even the jails are full to the brim. We have thefts and the police hardly could keep up they get defunded while war-torn countries sometimes get helped and get money from other countries/nations but some get sanctioned and we're not getting into what's fair here the business of the world that's not what we're getting into just laying it out. We have people that think they are on the side of Christ but they're not but they're so far gone they're probably going to end up in hell one day. So basically in this YouTube short which was probably from some of Cliffe's teachings of evangelizing where he goes around to universities with his son maybe colleges too like street preacher teaching and promoting Christ and God's word he's tackling a complex multi-layered question. He's very experienced but God's given him a gift where he is a good teacher and he knows what he's talking about and he also knows the limits.
So basically he concluded after the man walked away that wasn't willing to hear the answer just wanted to make a intellectual statement Cliffe emphasized that God gives us choices exercising free will and people can make choices using their free will as he demonstrated to beat up that woman with the pretty face or he could make the choice to love her and be her real friend. Oddly enough we hear reported in the news some women, some very beautiful women trusted some wicked guys and were traumatized and lost their lives very evil. These type of people are headed for hell that do such evils that's why God created a place called hell and he warned people but people don't know him, they don't care to know him, they don't care to learn the reasons why he's just not some magic genie doing miracles at every street corner or on some stage in Vegas he chose to limit his powers. Matter of fact in the time of the Apostles they did some great things like raise people from the dead just like Christ, cast out demons and heal people of very horrible diseases but they have this debate back and forth that today those gifts are not with us anymore they left us with the apostles. We still have some of the gifts and we can still pray to God and miracles do happen, have happened and people have reported the strangest of things in the past including in the medical community. God is real you make choices the Bible says the devil has been sinning since the beginning and if you are not born again and still doing the same sin filled things then maybe you're the devil Satins child. Your tongue a little member of the body has the power of life and death. Taking God's name in vain is like cursing your own soul. Cursing other people with your tongue is like cursing your own soul. At the end of the day the wages of sin is death and many people are swimming in an ocean of sin even following doctrines of devils claiming to be followers of Christ but which one?. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
In my afterthoughts and after notes I encourage you to have a look at the comments below that were left in conjunction with this YouTube short or teaching by cliffe how profound some of them are.