“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 KJV
You know I was l ooking at an interview with Pierce Morgan as the host and with the intellectually interesting Douglas Murray and they had another guest who they call a Palestinian politician. And with the host of this podcast video I learned about populations of Jewish people compared to other times how they diminished in huge numbers and it's astonishing what he revealed. Very interesting and again we don't want to get into the affairs of the world because what's happening is very intricate/devastating. Bible believing Christians look at the holy scriptures and it tells us what the truth is because the word of God is truth. But then in reality there are a lot of evil things going on over there with hostages and war in Gaza and assaults against Israel from other factions you know nations or whomever these people would be these rebels fighters. I'm also hearing about some groups called the Houthis and some attacks on ships. But that's another story. We don't seem to have peace do we but they might have a ceasefire on certain infrastructures in Ukraine that was reported. You know Christ is real and he is the Prince of Peace. He said, blessed are the peacemakers. When hatred and divisions happen and even radical ideologies you have disease that is very complicated to cure and in turn down the line this causes infection coupled in wickedness and Evil on mankind so no mankind is not getting better like they think in evolution. Yesterday they had some astronauts come back to earth and we're not really as Christians supposed to get into that but I do find it interesting what you learn that you didn't know before. You learn of the incredible speed 17,000 miles per hour at X hours to get back to Earth and how they have to break when they're going up there the Earth's atmosphere to escape it and how they get to the space station. I even learned a little bit about the amount of money the astronauts make per year which is pretty much compared to your average job and they talk about outer darkness in space. Look at the amount of time it takes to travel to the space station. What I find intriguing is when you die at the blink of an eye you leave your body and you could either be in heaven or in hell so where are these places? Your physical body seems in its physical state unless there is some ability in some things we don't understand as non-believers would not understand that it is more powerful than mankind and there is. We are not alone there is a spirit world. There is a demonic world as well. God sees and knows every thought and God exists. God created everything the astronauts see and don't see. The devil and his angels may not see everything God sees but they know also that those astronauts go up there. Jesus Christ never spoke about outer space like an astronaut. He didn't die on Mars or on the Moon he died on Earth and he walked the Earth. He was even born on the Earth as a child who grew into a man. I did notice some Christian preachers talking about the human aspect compared to the God characteristic aspect of Christ when he was on Earth. Some word of faith movement people have said " He laid aside his right to be GOD. He did not become as GOD. He took his GODLY ROBS OFF! " In retrospect they are implying Jesus Christ hung up his godhood when he was on Earth and it's very intricate interesting but it can get really into nonsense and heresy. The thing is what matters is do you know Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Do you have a relationship with him and are you a true born again Bible believing Christian or are you a religious deceived blind and death sin filled not spirit-filled devilish individual. As written the devil deceives the world and how do you know how that's done if you have no relationship and you can't interpret the scriptures because you don't even reed them, study them but you trust other people to tell you what's in there when you might be in a false religion but you fight tooth and nail for the deception and your a narrow-minded corrupted blind death dog returning to his own vomit actually partaking in false Christianity. There are people out there who come from religions that have a violent past and present continuing and think they have to go inflict pain and damage to Jewish people and perhaps Christians then eventually take over the world to bring in their leader into the world and through their scrambled indignation somehow only the good will remain. Atheism has some sort of relationship because atheists have done extreme evil as well and they probably will continue this in the future. We have a fight between good and bad. We have a fight as some nations want to have a change in policy. They want to have a change in world dominance. They can call it a new world order and they can debate for kingdom come what this really means or entails. There's only one solution it's the truth. Pontius Pilate wanted to know what it was. Some true most likely born again Christians throughout the times, centuries have known what it is but the majority of the world is on the broad path to destruction. Every day we have babies being born, animals being born and we have chaos, wars, sicknesses, people are dying from such diseases as cancers and all sorts of other diseases and people are dying in industrial accidents, car accidents or being murdered. We have teenagers going missing going on vacations with their friends and all sorts of evils we hear about. The truth is Heaven and Hell exists and if you hate people just because of their race you discriminate you're a wicked devil. The Bible says love covers many sins and Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world not in vain mind you. Many people who claim to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are actually so dogmatic and narrow-minded. They actually believe that praying to dead people which is an abomination is acceptable. They actually believe that doctrines of devils is of God. They actually believe that traditions of men are acceptable to the true God which they don't know of course but they think they know. We have people that are poor because they don't care and they might live in a democracy and they have a chance not to be in that situation but they're just lazy and wicked. Then we have the ones that just can't find a job because the economy is not doing good and they're just in a transitional period or they been debunked you know injured by the injustice inflictions of life that sometimes cannot be avoided because either you make the wrong decisions or they're just present. In the end what matters do you know the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth who by the way was a Jew on Earth despised and rejected a man well acquainted with sorrow. H e was no Idol worshiper. He made people extremely angry even the apostles sometimes deserted him because they could not accept what he was telling them as it was too harsh and they had to deal with it. To think most of them were persecuted that is the degree of the rebellion against the true God. What do you expect of man in his fallen nature state. The other thing I want you to think about the devil is the god of this world not the real God but he wants to be God and he was kicked out of heaven along with his angels that are also on Earth as is written. Revelation 12:12 KJV We also know demons exist and the scriptures give us the warnings of transgressing God's laws you know fornication even what your tongue speaks concerning evil swearing, taking God's name in vain, insulting people it has the power to send you to Hell as written life and death are in the tongue . When you become a true Christian you know this and experience the amount of people out there taking Christ's name in vain everyday but if they're not believers they're condemned already and if they claim to be believers they show in their fruits what they really are and what's in their hearts. You know I've had family members say incredibly evil things insulting and I've seen other people that are counterfeit believers say nothing and they all go around the merry go round in their deception all together. True Christians would rebuke them and contend for the faith once delivered on to the Saints.. Sometimes depending on the situation it's better to say nothing and to pray about it. The Bible tells us the soul that sins shall surely die. If you're swimming in your doctrines of devils counterfeit Christianity religion you haven't repented you're actually exercising and being an accomplice to what is wicked and defiling your own soul but you most likely have the audacity in your corrupt mind and deceived nature to think you're a Christian and that that is acceptable. What spirit are you really following? Are you going to get the surprise of your life when you die the first physical death thinking you were going to heaven. Where are people from other generations that died today? Are they all in heaven NO! You know the will of God is for you to believe in his only begotten son the Lord Jesus Christ whom had a Jewish name in the first century that probably would have been Yeshua Emmanuel God with us. Henceforth, who stole the Messiah.
The irony of the truth
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 KJV
You know I was l ooking at an interview with Pierce Morgan as the host and with the intellectually interesting Douglas Murray and they had another guest who they call a Palestinian politician. And with the host of this podcast video I learned about populations of Jewish people compared to other times how they diminished in huge numbers and it's astonishing what he revealed. Very interesting and again we don't want to get into the affairs of the world because what's happening is very intricate/devastating. Bible believing Christians look at the holy scriptures and it tells us what the truth is because the word of God is truth. But then in reality there are a lot of evil things going on over there with hostages and war in Gaza and assaults against Israel from other factions you know nations or whomever these people would be these rebels fighters. I'm also hearing about some groups called the Houthis and some attacks on ships. But that's another story. We don't seem to have peace do we but they might have a ceasefire on certain infrastructures in Ukraine that was reported. You know Christ is real and he is the Prince of Peace. He said, blessed are the peacemakers. When hatred and divisions happen and even radical ideologies you have disease that is very complicated to cure and in turn down the line this causes infection coupled in wickedness and Evil on mankind so no mankind is not getting better like they think in evolution. Yesterday they had some astronauts come back to earth and we're not really as Christians supposed to get into that but I do find it interesting what you learn that you didn't know before. You learn of the incredible speed 17,000 miles per hour at X hours to get back to Earth and how they have to break when they're going up there the Earth's atmosphere to escape it and how they get to the space station. I even learned a little bit about the amount of money the astronauts make per year which is pretty much compared to your average job and they talk about outer darkness in space. Look at the amount of time it takes to travel to the space station. What I find intriguing is when you die at the blink of an eye you leave your body and you could either be in heaven or in hell so where are these places? Your physical body seems in its physical state unless there is some ability in some things we don't understand as non-believers would not understand that it is more powerful than mankind and there is. We are not alone there is a spirit world. There is a demonic world as well. God sees and knows every thought and God exists. God created everything the astronauts see and don't see. The devil and his angels may not see everything God sees but they know also that those astronauts go up there. Jesus Christ never spoke about outer space like an astronaut. He didn't die on Mars or on the Moon he died on Earth and he walked the Earth. He was even born on the Earth as a child who grew into a man. I did notice some Christian preachers talking about the human aspect compared to the God characteristic aspect of Christ when he was on Earth. Some word of faith movement people have said " He laid aside his right to be GOD. He did not become as GOD. He took his GODLY ROBS OFF! " In retrospect they are implying Jesus Christ hung up his godhood when he was on Earth and it's very intricate interesting but it can get really into nonsense and heresy. The thing is what matters is do you know Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Do you have a relationship with him and are you a true born again Bible believing Christian or are you a religious deceived blind and death sin filled not spirit-filled devilish individual. As written the devil deceives the world and how do you know how that's done if you have no relationship and you can't interpret the scriptures because you don't even reed them, study them but you trust other people to tell you what's in there when you might be in a false religion but you fight tooth and nail for the deception and your a narrow-minded corrupted blind death dog returning to his own vomit actually partaking in false Christianity. There are people out there who come from religions that have a violent past and present continuing and think they have to go inflict pain and damage to Jewish people and perhaps Christians then eventually take over the world to bring in their leader into the world and through their scrambled indignation somehow only the good will remain. Atheism has some sort of relationship because atheists have done extreme evil as well and they probably will continue this in the future. We have a fight between good and bad. We have a fight as some nations want to have a change in policy. They want to have a change in world dominance. They can call it a new world order and they can debate for kingdom come what this really means or entails. There's only one solution it's the truth. Pontius Pilate wanted to know what it was. Some true most likely born again Christians throughout the times, centuries have known what it is but the majority of the world is on the broad path to destruction. Every day we have babies being born, animals being born and we have chaos, wars, sicknesses, people are dying from such diseases as cancers and all sorts of other diseases and people are dying in industrial accidents, car accidents or being murdered. We have teenagers going missing going on vacations with their friends and all sorts of evils we hear about. The truth is Heaven and Hell exists and if you hate people just because of their race you discriminate you're a wicked devil. The Bible says love covers many sins and Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world not in vain mind you. Many people who claim to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are actually so dogmatic and narrow-minded. They actually believe that praying to dead people which is an abomination is acceptable. They actually believe that doctrines of devils is of God. They actually believe that traditions of men are acceptable to the true God which they don't know of course but they think they know. We have people that are poor because they don't care and they might live in a democracy and they have a chance not to be in that situation but they're just lazy and wicked. Then we have the ones that just can't find a job because the economy is not doing good and they're just in a transitional period or they been debunked you know injured by the injustice inflictions of life that sometimes cannot be avoided because either you make the wrong decisions or they're just present. In the end what matters do you know the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth who by the way was a Jew on Earth despised and rejected a man well acquainted with sorrow. H e was no Idol worshiper. He made people extremely angry even the apostles sometimes deserted him because they could not accept what he was telling them as it was too harsh and they had to deal with it. To think most of them were persecuted that is the degree of the rebellion against the true God. What do you expect of man in his fallen nature state. The other thing I want you to think about the devil is the god of this world not the real God but he wants to be God and he was kicked out of heaven along with his angels that are also on Earth as is written. Revelation 12:12 KJV We also know demons exist and the scriptures give us the warnings of transgressing God's laws you know fornication even what your tongue speaks concerning evil swearing, taking God's name in vain, insulting people it has the power to send you to Hell as written life and death are in the tongue . When you become a true Christian you know this and experience the amount of people out there taking Christ's name in vain everyday but if they're not believers they're condemned already and if they claim to be believers they show in their fruits what they really are and what's in their hearts. You know I've had family members say incredibly evil things insulting and I've seen other people that are counterfeit believers say nothing and they all go around the merry go round in their deception all together. True Christians would rebuke them and contend for the faith once delivered on to the Saints.. Sometimes depending on the situation it's better to say nothing and to pray about it. The Bible tells us the soul that sins shall surely die. If you're swimming in your doctrines of devils counterfeit Christianity religion you haven't repented you're actually exercising and being an accomplice to what is wicked and defiling your own soul but you most likely have the audacity in your corrupt mind and deceived nature to think you're a Christian and that that is acceptable. What spirit are you really following? Are you going to get the surprise of your life when you die the first physical death thinking you were going to heaven. Where are people from other generations that died today? Are they all in heaven NO! You know the will of God is for you to believe in his only begotten son the Lord Jesus Christ whom had a Jewish name in the first century that probably would have been Yeshua Emmanuel God with us. Henceforth, who stole the Messiah.
Irony of the truth
March 19th 2025 7:44 a.m.