Tagged: evildoers

oie_191408ctjssGKP (1).jpg
Irony of the truth
The irony of the truth
Brute beasts self-willed
Brute beaste self-willed
He with sin casts the first stone
You with sin casts the first stone
Beware seducing spirits
Beware seducing spirits
Stand against the wiles of the devil
Stand against the wiles of the devil
Get thee behind me Satan
Get thee behind me Satan
Boldly seeking entrance into hell
Boldly seeking entrance into hell
New Project.jpg
drag show & 'forbidden queer literature
Drag show & 'forbidden queer literature
Generation of evil doers
Generation of evil doors
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@wayne-sanelli • 3 years ago

A true brother in Christ. Dear Christians there are trying tribulations before the whole world right now. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Pray often and pray for each other. Strengthen each other. And stop blaming each other. People need to be brave and stand up in the name of God. (IAM) Greater is he that is in you that is in the world. Jesus overcame the world. But you are in the world and you have a cross as a Christian. Fight the good fight of faith.