Activity Stream
• 4 years ago
Updates are here January 19, 2022
The gospel must be preached and the good news needs to be shared.
You must be born again
So important. As in the days of Noah.
Damned if you won’t listen
You know it’s incredible that he’s not being chased by the LGBT community as in Canada that David Lynn was. And he’s actually teaching correction. There’s only one true God and he’s not happy with the rebellion in the world.
Hardcore New York City Street Preaching | A Documentary Film | Jesse Morrell
The gospel must be preached and the good news needs to be shared.
You must be born again
So important. As in the days of Noah.
Damned if you won’t listen
You know it’s incredible that he’s not being chased by the LGBT community as in Canada that David Lynn was. And he’s actually teaching correction. There’s only one true God and he’s not happy with the rebellion in the world.
Hardcore New York City Street Preaching | A Documentary Film | Jesse Morrell