William Adams (rockabillie)


Became a Christian believer in 2010 and then baptised on Easter Sunday (2011) and actively involved in some of the areas of our church I.E. Playing bass as and when required and now one of four people involved in running the PA/Video side of things.



Location: Worcester
Country: GB


Blogs: 8
images: 6
Songs: 2

KONY2012 Invisible Children

user image 2012-03-07
By: William Adams (rockabillie)
Posted in:

Hi all, I have just watched the 30 minute video about Joseph Kony and how he kidnaps children and turns them against their parents and other children. It's horrendous to see that this has been going on for some twenty years now and hundreds have been mutilated and killed, and our goverenments have done nothing about it. I think when you watch the video, you will be very mindful about your children and know just how lucky we are not to live near this madman. You can view it here at this link.


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