Devine Jamz Gospel Network provides faith-based marketing, education, and guidance to integrate inspirational music into media outlets and businesses that impact family-based audiences.
Location: Houston, TX
Zipcode: 77002
Country: US
Zipcode: 77002
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A Man Like God (Men's Conference) July 25th, 2013 through July 27th, 2013 - Three Nights of Explosive Power
The experience you will come away with after experiencing what God has in store for you will be life transforming. No man will be able to walk away from this experience and remain the same.For God is going to confront, direct, rebuke, and challenge us to new heights in Him.
This conference will feature dynamic speakers, excellent seminar presenters, and music that is sure to be with you for years to come.
The speakersare: Bishop Harold Donahue of Dallas, TX, Prophet James Bligen of Atlanta, GA, Prophet Oshea Morgan of Dallas, TX, Bishop August Francis of Beaumont, TX, and Apostle Christopher Yarber of San Antonio, TX.
This conference will be hosted at: Glorious Occasions Evangelistic Church, with Pastor Harold Donahue, 7548 Lancaster Road, Dallas, TX 75241
Date: July 25th - 27th 2013
Registration: $5 dollars per person.
Registration is now open, register now at
Vendors and Sponsor Registration
A Man Like God Men's Conference has oppenings for Venders and Sponsors. If you would like to be a vendor or a sponsor of the A Man Like God conference, please fill out the form located on the website's vendors/sponsors page ( http://jamlan08.wix.com/manlikegod#!vendors/sponsors ). Include in your description the type of product or service you are offering.
The form also has the sponsor amount breakdown as well as a one time donation field, for those who will not be able to attend, but desire to give a donation for the conference. Vendor spots are limited so please register early for your spot.
Sponsorship Levels
Bronze $200
Silver $500
Gold $1,500
Platinum $2,500
Diamond $5,000
We sincerely thank you for your support of A Man Like God Men's Conference. With your help this conference will be a great success.
Thanks Again
Raising kingdom Citizens
Devine Jamz Gospel Network
Ministry: Free Advertising/Marketing
Radio Ads: Gospel Broadcast For $9.95
Talk Show: Broadcast A Sermon Or Talk Show
Free Sites: Free Dynamic HTML5 Websites
Cool - don't forget we have an " Events " section on Indie that links to the front page. Blogging is perfectly fine too and you can do both.
I'm going to be putting up a splashpage with a donate button for " The Sound of Hope " project soon and that might be something you might like to help in promoting. It's a charity project for orphans.
I also have an advertising site that a programmer is modifying for an upcoming promotion. It will allow every member (free) to produce 5 splash pages with statistics tracking. I'll be running a contest to see who can promote the splash page the most, and their will be prizes.