Devine Jamz Gospel Network


Devine Jamz Gospel Network provides faith-based marketing, education, and guidance to integrate inspirational music into media outlets and businesses that impact family-based audiences.


Location: Houston, TX
Zipcode: 77002
Country: US


Playlists: 1
Blogs: 75
youtubes: 12
videos: 2

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A Worldwide Christian House Sitting Service

user image 2012-12-26
By: Devine Jamz Gospel Network
Posted in: Blog Contributor
If you are thinking of going on a vacation we offer rent-free vacations all over the world and we can find reliable people to look after your home and pets while you are away without any cost.



For Home Owners leaving you house empty carries many risks. Through a free registration with Christian House Sitters we can help you go away feeling safe and secure knowing that your home is being looked after and if necessary your pets are being cared for and loved in their own home.




Devine Jamz Gospel Network

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