Devine Jamz Gospel Network provides faith-based marketing, education, and guidance to integrate inspirational music into media outlets and businesses that impact family-based audiences.
Location: Houston, TX
Zipcode: 77002
Country: US
Zipcode: 77002
Country: US
Playlists: 1
Blogs: 75
youtubes: 12
videos: 2
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Global Radio Broadcast For Ministers
Broadcast Your Ministry Globally Online For As Little As $9.37 A Day!
With more and more church going folks listening to the Internet radio at work, on the go using their smart phone, while riding either the bus, subway, or light rail. Others are listening to the Internet radio on their ipod or ipad, their tablet or notebook, and so many other electronic devices. Did you know that many online ministries receive their tithes, fundraising, and donations alike from Internet Radio use? That's right, and you can also reach your current supporters and listeners while they are on the move. Not only that, you can also broadcast to listeners who frequently support our stations on a regular basis. I strongly advise you to research the current Internet radio market for your self and see that it's as real as the church that's two blocks down the street from your home. However, with our Internet radio station the listening capacity is far greater than what you can fit inside of 4 walls! The fact of the matter is you can't go wrong ministering on Internet radio and using the modern day applications! To help inform you on how the 24 Hour Preaching Network can make a impact on your ministry, click on the Read More image below and check out the video by Roderick Carter.
Brenda Solomon
Gospel Network Publisher
Devine Jamz Gospel Network
Websites: http://www.devinejamz.net