Devine Jamz Gospel Network


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Read A Sample Content Marketing Article That Promote An Artist New Single!

user image 2016-01-23
By: Devine Jamz Gospel Network
Posted in: Content Marketing Article

All too quickly the word of God for many Christians get crowded out by the worries of their life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things that produce no fruit (Mark 4:19). It’s something that happens according to scripture and the guilty feeling does not sit well. Some might think it’s only the obvious sinful Christian that lose focus of Christ. But think about this! Have you ever lost a parent, child, spouse or love one? At the time did you ask why would God allow something so devastating to occur? Is it fair to say you lost trust? For some, they experienced related tragic circumstances and separated themselves from Christ because of the hurt and pain! It’s not always intentional, but for those of us that live in the real world, sometimes it’s very difficult to dedicate our lives to Christianity without error !

What Does Dedicate Mean To You?

Amazon Featured Single Dedicate A great Contemporary Gospel song to listen to that best reflects the meaning of this concept is an Amazon Featured Single by Anthony Nelson & The Overcomers . The song is called “ Dedicate ” and it’s brilliantly composed and written. The amazing vocals of the singer put listeners in a trance with the somber outcry to the Lord. She expresses how it seems so long since she last talked to God. She admits that the worries and the cares of this world has choked and taken her very breath away. Intentional or not she lost her focus on the word of God. However, there are many things we can do as Christians to decrease our chances from being distracted.

Petition For Help

Amazon Featured Single Dedicate First, we must truly offer our body as a living sacrifice , holy and pleasing to God (Ro 12:1). That is a Christian true and proper worship to practice consistently! Be encouraged ! God knows our heart and the truthfulness of it. Pretty much as the vocalist that sing " Dedicate ” made her outcry to the Lord for help , you can do the same to get back aligned to the word of God. Request that God bring you close to Him and give you the fire and power to dedicate your life. Keep up your relationship by investing more time with Jesus through prayer. Constant prayer is our high speed connection to Christ. The lack of praying would put you right back on dial up connection, which we know can take forever before a message is delivered.

Some Reasons We Fall Short

Amazon Featured Single Dedicate Of course, we may sometimes fall short in the mist of our walk with Christ in one way or another. Most believers, if transparent and real, would admit that there are times when we lose focus in our relationship with God. It could be times we cease to pray faithfully and fervently. Times we don’t read the word of God consistently. Times we fail to serve others, evangelize, and obey the will of God like we should. In certain cases, some believers find themselves in a state where they backslide and lose focus completely.

I once worked with a good buddy and we often chat when we were off duty. But when my friend transferred to another division, we lost touch. I hadn’t heard from my friend in months. When my good buddy called from an anonymous number to see how things were going, I had no clue who he was and did not recognize his voice.

The same can be said about our relationship with Christ. You may not discern when he is reaching out to you if you don’t stay in a close relationship. Don’t imitate the behaviors and traditions of this world. Dedicate yourself to God and cast all your cares and worries unto the Lord . He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. (Psalm 55:22)

Publishing By Brother Ray


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