Devine Jamz Gospel Network


Devine Jamz Gospel Network provides faith-based marketing, education, and guidance to integrate inspirational music into media outlets and businesses that impact family-based audiences.


Location: Houston, TX
Zipcode: 77002
Country: US


Playlists: 1
Blogs: 76
youtubes: 12
videos: 2

Profile Tag Cloud:

Category: Christian Hip Hop Music

Christian Rapper DaeShawn Forrest Is Living A Life-Long Process Serving God

Living For God - DaeShawn Forrest  

Living For God is A Life-Long Process



DaeShawn Forrest from Antioch,...

Devine Jamz Featured Christian Hip Hop Artist "Gods Vessel"

By Devine Jamz Gospel Network , 2014-12-06
Gods Vessel | Christian Hip Hop Artist With A Irrevocable Calling


About God's Vessel: 


Antione T. Minor was born March 27th, 1985. He started doing music in 1997 under the name, The Captain Elite, in the hip-hop underground industry at the age of 12. He furthered his entertainment career by becoming a dual talent in 2005 as a model along with being a rap artist. From 1997 to May of 2009, he continued in the commercial hip-hop genre as well as...