E. Pettersen


I've been involved in music in some form all my life. Toured with bands, written, recorded and done live solo performances which is what I'm getting back into now. My profession is retail store designer, but my passion is the music and the message.


Location: Chesterfield, VA
Zipcode: 23838
Country: US


Blogs: 2
images: 22
events: 6
youtubes: 1
Sales: 1
Item Bundles: 2
Songs: 34
videos: 5

Profile Tag Cloud:


Prodigal Son (Live)

streams: 63
video file: 11.2MB, 00:04:32

Jerry Herrera
10/20/15 02:18:36PM @jerry-herrera:

Very nice vocals and composition! "Best Wishes"

10/19/15 11:32:18PM @indiegospel:

Nice... How did I miss this? Going straight to #1 on the Top 10.


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