CVJagan Mohan
CVJagan Mohan
13 years ago
4 posts

The population of India every year grows and at present there are 1.1 billion people are living and More than 42.5 million Indians live in slums, 18 million children in urban India live on the streets, 1/3 of the world's malnourished,In the state of Maharashtra alone, an estimated 100,000 children are sex workers Most affected by poverty and social inequality are India's more than 445 million children, 25.7 million of whom are orphans.

1.29 million children under 14 years are child laborers, the highest number in the world

2.18 million children in urban India live on the streets

3.More than 42.5 million Indians live in slums

1/3 of the world's malnourished children live in India

Approximately 100,000 HIV-positive Indian women give birth every year

Hardly they earn $1.20 cents per day.(50 to 60 Rs.) UNICEF estimates that India has 25,700,000 orphans under the age of 18 Over 1/3 of India's population lives on less than $1 per day.Children in India

18 million children in urban India live on the streets, 1/3 of the world's malnourished, In the state of Maharashtra alone, an estimated 100,000 children are sex workers Most affected by poverty and social inequality are India's more than 445 million children,25.7 million of whom are orphans.India's orphaned children can be found on the streets.

updated by @cvjagan-mohan: 02/26/15 08:33:42PM


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