3 Little girls and a visit?
Ken Rich
updated by @ken-rich: 07/12/15 09:50:44PM
Hi Paul,
Glad that you joined us once again. The " state of the dead " is something hotly disputed among Christians, some believing as you do, that they sleep with no conscience thought until they are resurrected.
Others, interpret differently and see the dead as " absent from the body, present with the Lord ", in a different sort of intermediate state, before the resurrection.
However, one thing all scholars agree on, is that there is absolutely no Scriptural evidence, for the bodily assumption of Mary, as taught by Rome. This dogma was denounced by early Popes, and it's origin is with Gnosticism, not the Bible, or early Christians. It serves to bring into Christianity the worship of " the Queen of Heaven " as practiced by ancient pagans, before there ever was a Church.
Catholic authors readily admit that the Assumption is not explicitly taught in Scripture. In the biblical narrative, Mary is last mentioned in Acts 1 where she is found praying with the other disciples before Pentecost. After that, the Bible is silent about her life and death...
The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that the first genuine written references to the Assumption come from authors who lived in the sixth to the eight centuries ...
Catholic theology has exalted Mary to the heavens, and it is therefore natural for Catholics to look to her for their spiritual needs . O most sweet Lady and our Mother, thou hast already left the earth and reached thy kingdom, where, as Queen, thou art enthroned From the high throne, then, to which thou art exalted, turn, O Mary, thy compassionate eyes upon us, and pity us. (Of the Assumption of Mary, St. Alphonsus de Liguori).
Despite their protestations to the contrary, the sad truth is that such Marian devotion detracts from that simple faith and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ . The Scripture explicitly speaks of Jesus, who having lived a sinless life, died for sinners, was buried and raised from the death, and after forty days He ascended into Heaven, where He is reigning in glory, interceding for His people. Compassion and pity is found only when we have recourse to the Lord Jesus. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him (not Mary), seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them . For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens (Hebrews 7:25,26)
Quotes above from The Assumption of Mary Refuted!
Tertullian says that we can know if God has done something by validating it from Scripture. Not to be able to do so invalidates any claim that a teaching has been revealed by God. This comes back again to the patristic principle of sola scriptura, a principle universally adhered to in the early Church. But one which has been repudiated by the Roman Church and which has resulted in its embracing and promoting teachings, such as the assumption of Mary, which were never taught in the early Church and which have no Scriptural backing .
The only grounds the Roman Catholic faithful have for believing in the teaching of the assumption is that a supposedly infallible Church declares it. But given the above facts the claim of infallibility is shown to be completely groundless. How can a Church which is supposedly infallible promote teachings which the early Church condemned as heretical? Whereas an early papal decree anathematized those who believed the teaching of an apocryphal Gospel, now papal decrees condemn those who disbelieve it. The conclusion has to be that teachings such as Marys assumption are the teachings and traditions of men, not the revelation of God.
Taken from - THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY (A Roman Catholic Dogma Originating with Heretics and Condemned as Heretical by 2 Popes in the 5th and 6th Centuries)
With love and respect,
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Hi David,
No one here has said they do not believe in eternal life, so why make that accusation?
No one here disputes whether or not God is greater than the Bible, or whether all he does, or doesn't do, is contained in the Bible, so why make that accusation?
What Protestants contend, is that we can know truth by validating it from Scripture. Not to be able to do so, invalidates any claim that a teaching has been revealed by God.
God chose to reveal the unchanging gospel to us, and as the Apostle Paul said, any other gospel is false . So we have been given a way to verify the truth about salvation, by comparing new events and teachings, to what is recorded in Scripture.
Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
This comes back again to the patristic principle of sola scriptura, a principle universally adhered to in the early Church. But one which has been repudiated by the Roman Church and which has resulted in its embracing and promoting teachings, such as the assumption of Mary, which were never taught in the early Church and which have no Scriptural backing . THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY
So, by refusing to accept what God has explicitly revealed as truth, as the standard by which to confirm or reject new claims by men, or apparitions, Rome has accepted and promoted teachings that contradict the Gospel , as preached by Paul and the Apostles. This is the contention. Don't side step the issue, and go off on other subjects - this is the crux of the matter.
The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Churches teach that the Scriptures are not the only infallible source of Christian doctrine (sola scriptura). For them Scripture is but one of three equal authorities; the other two being Sacred Tradition and the episcopacy. Wikipedia
Without the Word of God as their final authority, the Popes ended up making fools of themselves by claiming infallibility, while at the same time contradicting themselves on this very subject.
The assumption of Mary was derived from Gnostic literature and Pope Gelasius explicitly condemns the authors as well as their writings and the teachings which they promote and all who follow them. And significantly, this entire decree and its condemnation was reaffirmed by Pope Hormisdas in the sixth century around A.D. 520. (Migne Vol. 62. Col. 537-542). These facts prove that the early Church viewed the assumption teaching, not as a legitimate expression of the pious belief of the faithful but as a heresy worthy of condemnation. THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY
Yet this very teaching that earlier "infallible" Popes declared to be heresy, was declared a dogma of the Catholic faith by another "infallible" Pope.
The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory (Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII, 1950).
So my Brother, the issue is - are you going to believe the gospel according to Rome, or the gospel according to the Bible? If Rome, will it be the two "infallible" Popes who declared it heresy, or the one "infallible" Pope who made it official dogma of the Catholic faith?
With love and respect,
Ken Rich
Ken Rich