Wayne Sanelli

Activity Stream

Wayne Sanelli
@wayne-sanelli4 years ago

Extensive updates as of January 11th 2022
Even as of January 10th 2022 there are updates. Keep praying daily. Pray for people in the media and four hosts of talk shows. Pray for doctors and nurses. Pray that God exposes evil.

Masked Deception With Ulterior Motives -

Are you abiding in the vine? I never knew you (Recap) updated this morning. 10/25/21

For much is giving much will be required. If they won't hear my words neither will they hear your words 3:44 p.m. October 25, 2021

Will you be ready when the Messiah tells you he doesn’t know you. Will you be one of the ones parted on the left-hand side? This is the fourth part as I was originally only going to have three of three. But this is like a final summary recap. Forget about what liars tell you make sure your ready especially in your heart to be right with Jesus. (With the GOD of the bible)


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