Tagged: repent
Extensive updates as of January 11th 2022
Even as of January 10th 2022 there are updates. Keep praying daily. Pray for people in the media and four hosts of talk shows. Pray for doctors and nurses. Pray that God exposes evil.
Masked Deception With Ulterior Motives -
Are you abiding in the vine? I never knew you (Recap) updated this morning. 10/25/21
For much is giving much will be required. If they won't hear my words neither will they hear your words 3:44 p.m. October 25, 2021
Will you be ready when the Messiah tells you he doesn’t know you. Will you be one of the ones parted on the left-hand side? This is the fourth part as I was originally only going to have three of three. But this is like a final summary recap. Forget about what liars tell you make sure your ready especially in your heart to be right with Jesus. (With the GOD of the bible)
Check - read & pray
Street preachers praise Jesus (draws crowd)
Gods loves you to hell
This is an analogy of God loves you. Some people that are Hell bound don’t understand why. Do you know God? There are some who tend to focus only on Gods love which he is love but not the sinful carnal love of the world. Why do some people end up in hell? Why are some pardoned? You see if people could really understand “where” they are truly going they would fear the lord and that may produce wisdom? God is just! Hell is a real place. You can receive salvation. Call upon the lord.
See the conundrum (difficult question) If God is ((love)) 1.) Why does he send people to hell? 2.) Why are people suffering? 3.) Why does evil exist?
Count proceedings in the United States as freedoms are being undermined
Girl rips Poster of a sexual innuendo off subway posting
Come across this before. She has morals and there are better methods to go about this. Pray and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people are evil devils. They are wicked and they are the true Gods enemies. Abortions are evil. God says in his word that we Christians/others must bring the flesh under submission. Not just the physical flesh but also the vulgar evil speech. Walk not in the ways of the world.
Repent or Perish
King James Version
28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
Right now many are hell bound (They are perishing). (On the way to destruction). They reject the gospel and the gospel truth. They will be pressing in on judgment day but a great multitude will not be able to enter. They be damned as in their lifetimes they did not repent and receive a love of thy truth and be saved. A great many are reprobates and multitudes are deceived so bad they put darkness for light. Salvation is of the lord.
I come across another reporting of Pastor David Lynn in Montreal Canada. The police attempted to ticket him. It seems to end well. It’s a shame. It’s almost like a police state. And the police is under pressure these days with all that is happening. You know it’s the preaching on the street that turns people from crime and from a life of ruins. To attack the preachers just seems counterproductive. Strange days indeed. Always keep them in prayer. Even the police.
Spiritual intuition
September 26; 2021 2:44 pm
Click & Pray
Please pray about this as they attacked a disabled person.
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 8:44 pm
Do they provoke me to anger?
Updated.. turn from sin ..
The arresting and Persecution of preachers & pastures. And More
Fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell
Click the image
That ye resist not evil
This is extremely interesting. If your not a believer please watch this “I Have No Interest in the Bible - It's a Fairytale” The bible is true and there will be a judgment day. Shall no flesh be justified as written. It’s incredible that in the 20th century people are unaware. They live their life deceived. Many are atheists. The reality is not what most people perceive. There are hundreds of religions in the world. But there is only one who gave his life for the sins of the world was the perfect lamb of God. He is the Lord Jesus Christ.
6:44 pm wake up as no one is promised another day
You abide not in truth now your paid in full
I did read about some related incidents in other parts of the world to do with terrorism. Truly a troubling time. The heart is abundantly wicked.
Truly troubling news from Ontario Canada
Updated June 8; 2021 9:44 am
These preachers are preaching the gospel loving message. Arrested.. one.
I send you out among wolves
Massive update
Persecution pastures - massive updates
King James Version
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are the peacemakers
God sees wickedness in mens hearts being evil continually
During the week between April 18 and 25, India reported 2.24 million new coronavirus cases, the highest number recorded by any country in a seven-day period. It also logged 16,257 deaths, almost double the 8,588 deaths recorded the previous week, according to Health Ministry data.
Altogether, 195,123 people have died while 17.3 million people have been infected with the virus in India. Please pray and turn to Christ. John 3:16
Pulling someone out of hell
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
God shall bring every work into judgment
The pyramid scheme of evil
8:44 am April 13; 2021
Updated today
End times signs are clearly evident
With the kindness and loving gentleness of my heart. You cannot be holy and claim the prosperity gospel. Yes it is written that you could move mountains with a mustard seed of faith but God is looking for people to repent and believe in the gospel. Wisdom is justified of her children. The evil one is looking to take away the seed of those who believe.
If you want your name to be written in the lambs book of life.
Charge and publish without understanding
The evils on the earth today are enormous and very troubling and so I am re-directing you to this blog.
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil
Do you practice what you preach? Rebellion is everywhere.
Think not I came to bring peace but a sword. Christ said he also came to divide.
I’m not an advocate for the prosperity gospel. “The prosperity gospel has its roots in an American occult tradition called New Thought.”
Contend for the faith. Praise the Lord for the glory is his.
Victory in the Face of Defeat
Paralyzed Muslim Girl , walked in Jesus Name :: Lovely Healing Testimony
Category: Music
Duration: 00:20:59
I will forewarn you whom to fear
We Should All Be Ashamed
Leigh Taylor's WaterMark Tribe
album: the Tribe's Live Studio Tracks Volume 1
Although adultery denotes one who has unlawful intercourse with the spouse of another, in its much broader term, it means to violate or pollute. Israel violated or polluted their covenant with God. Jeremiah says, "She (Judah) defiled the land, and committed adultery" (Jer. 3:9).
Adultery in relation to marriage also reflects a violation of the covenant of companionship. Sex outside of marriage is adultery because it violates or pollutes the covenant of marriage by introducing another party and bringing that relationship into the marriage. "They two shall be one flesh" (Eph. 5:31).
Divorce also adulterates or pollutes marriage because it disrupts or...