Andrea Campos


I am a born again christian young lady who loves God. I am commited with God and his word. I am an Evangelist and also sing at church. Not famous, heheheh I love to talk about Jesus. I try to help people by bringing to them, God's word and love. I do write poems and like to paint on my spare time. I have a 22 years old son that seeks the Lord also. I got married again. God gave me a gift, an awesome husband, that seeks his words too. God is faitfull.


Location: Florianopolis,SC
Country: BR


Blogs: 17
images: 70


By Andrea Campos, 2010-07-07
It is impossible for us who were created for eternity ever to find anything in this world to satisfy our souls. The Bible says that if the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. (Psalm 23:1). But if He is not our Shepherd, we are in trouble. We will be in want. Sometime, somewhere, someday we will pay the price and be in want.

The prodigal son's body began to be in want, his mind was in want, and his spirit was in want. Why? Because of the slavery of sin. He was a slave: "whoever commits sin is a slave of sin "(John 8:34).

There are many of us who think we are free, but we are slaves. The devil says,"Do this," and we do it. Sin says,"Do this," and we do it. We are slaves to that habit that we have, to that lust that we have. We are slaves. We can't break the habit. We are bound by chains."

Our soul, or our spirit, is that part of us that lives inside our body--in which we can know God. We are searching, questioning, hungering, thirsting for...
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By Andrea Campos, 2010-07-24
Whenever there's a problem,
Wherever there's despair
Just bow your head in prayer and know
That God will always be there.

When things look bleak and dreary,
When it seems that no one cares,
Have faith, my friend, in our Lord
And he will answer all your prayers.

I know sometimes it's hard,
Things don't seem to work out right,
But it truly is quite pointless
To kick or scream or fight.

When you really need an answer,
On HIM you can depend.

Only FAITH can move a mountain -
So, have FAITH in God, my friend!


Cast your cares on the LORD
and He will sustain you;
He will never let the righteous fall.

(Psalm 55:22)
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By Andrea Campos, 2010-08-27
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further.

So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the...
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By Andrea Campos, 2010-10-14
Mathews 6:25-34
#25- Worry means distress, sorrow, afliction, anxiety, anguish.

Jesus is not saying that is wrong we take care or to provide our material needs. What He is saying is that is wrong for us to be anxious or preocupaded, revealing our unfaithfulness in God, in his care and paternal love for us.
#30- ...if that is how God clothes the grass of the field...

The words in this verse have the God's promise to all of his sons and daughters in this era of afliction and hesitation. God promises to take care of our meal, clothes and other needs, we do not need to worry, yes, we do need to do our part working (couse nothing will be dopped of to you) and leave the rest to him. We need to live for him and let He das the domain in our lives, with the conviction that He will assume...
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By Andrea Campos, 2010-12-23

An old poem describes a woman walking through a meadow, meditating on nature.While strolling about, she came upon a field of golden pumpkins. In the
corner of the field stood a majestic, huge oak tree.

She sat under the oak tree musing on the strange twists in nature,which put
tiny acorns on huge branches and huge pumpkins on tiny vines. She thought to
herself, "God blundered with Creation! He should have put the small acorns
on the tiny vines and the large pumpkins on the huge branches."

Nodding off, the woman stretched out under the oak tree for a nap.A few minutes
after falling asleep, a tiny acorn bouncing off her nose awakened her.
Chuckling to herself, she rubbed her nose and thought, "Maybe God was
right after all!"

Things should
not always be as we want it to be..

God knows better!


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By Andrea Campos, 2011-01-28

Whenever there's a problem,
Wherever there's despair
Just bow your head in prayer and know
That God will always be there.

When things look bleak and dreary,
When it seems that no one cares,
Have faith, my friend, in our Lord
And he will answer all your prayers.

I know sometimes it's hard,
Things don't seem to work out right,
But it truly is quite pointless
To kick or scream or fight.

When you really need an answer,
On HIM you can depend.

Only FAITH can move a mountain -
So, have FAITH in God, my friend!

Cast your cares on the LORD
and He will sustain you;
He will never let the righteous fall.

(Psalm 55:22)


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By Andrea Campos, 2011-04-21

Praying for God's Kingdom. Matthew 6:9-13

Christians cling to the promise that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to redeem the world and establish a new kingdom. But do you realize God has charged believers to pray for that event? Today's passage, which is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer, includes a petition for the future revival of the earth. Verse 10 says, "Your kingdom come."
In Eden, sin was unleashed upon the world.Adam and Eve gave in to temptation by eating fruit from the forbidden tree. And God allowed the consequences of that decision to play out—nature became a destructive force with the threat of earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes; the spirit and will of each person born bends away from his Creator; and Satan reigns as lord of this present age. But God made a redemptive plan to reclaim the earth from the Enemy and transform it into a kingdom under Christ's reign.
All of creation groans and suffers as it awaits the Lord's return (Romans...

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By Andrea Campos, 2011-08-28

          “According to all that I’m going to show you, as the pattern of the Tabernacle and the pattern of all its furniture, just so you shall construct it.” Exodus 25:9 NASB In Exodus, when God gave instructions to Moses for building the Tabernacle in the wilderness, He told Moses what furniture to include and the specifications of how to build the Tabernacle. The bible says that Moses fashioned the furniture in the Tabernacle after what he saw in Heaven. One of the pieces of furniture Moses saw in Heaven was the Altar of Incense.

          The Altar of Incense was the place that symbolized the prayers of God’s people ascending up before Him to Heaven. There were eleven different types of spices that God instructed them to use on the Altar of Incense. Interestingly enough, these may be symbolic of eleven different types of prayers spoken about in the New Testament.

          Some prayers are prayers of petition (1 John 5:15). Some prayers are prayers of...

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