I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.
Location: Duncanville, TX
Zipcode: 75137
Country: US
Zipcode: 75137
Country: US
Blogs: 60
"Lord, let me weep for nought but sin,
And after none but Thee,
And then I would, O that I might,
A constant weeper be." - Charles Spurgeon
"That should grieve us most by which God's honour suffers and the interests of His kingdom is weakened."
- Matthew Henry
"Christian ministers must mourn over those in the church who refuse to repent of and forsake their sin, for they are spiritually dead."
- The Full Life Study Bible
"None are affected by heavenly things as those who are much in the study of the word, and are thereby taught the truth and essence of things. Carnal men are afraid of brute force, and weep over losses and crosses; but spiritual men feel a holy fear of the Lord Himself, and most of all lament when they see dishonour cast upon His holy name."
"Those who are the firmest believers in the eternal punishment of the wicked are the most grieved at their doom."
"It is no proof of tenderness to shut one's eyes...
And after none but Thee,
And then I would, O that I might,
A constant weeper be." - Charles Spurgeon
"That should grieve us most by which God's honour suffers and the interests of His kingdom is weakened."
- Matthew Henry
"Christian ministers must mourn over those in the church who refuse to repent of and forsake their sin, for they are spiritually dead."
- The Full Life Study Bible
"None are affected by heavenly things as those who are much in the study of the word, and are thereby taught the truth and essence of things. Carnal men are afraid of brute force, and weep over losses and crosses; but spiritual men feel a holy fear of the Lord Himself, and most of all lament when they see dishonour cast upon His holy name."
"Those who are the firmest believers in the eternal punishment of the wicked are the most grieved at their doom."
"It is no proof of tenderness to shut one's eyes...
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What is "an unhallowed compromise"? Barnes' Notes defines it as "an attempt to blend things together which could not be united. One must really displace the other."
The question is - are you trying to blend something into your life which God is telling you to renounce? You know that you cannot hold onto this belief much longer, but you are afraid of persecution or what it will cost you in the end. It's time to let go! It's time to embrace the "cross of Christ" and allow God to take you to a higher ground in Him!
In Galatians 5:11, we read - "And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offense of the cross ceased."
What we have here is the Apostle Paul being attacked by the Judaizers. They were falsely charging him with preaching circumcision as a part of salvation. The reason being is that they were preaching exactly that in order to avoid any type of persecution from the Jews.
To the Jews, the...
The question is - are you trying to blend something into your life which God is telling you to renounce? You know that you cannot hold onto this belief much longer, but you are afraid of persecution or what it will cost you in the end. It's time to let go! It's time to embrace the "cross of Christ" and allow God to take you to a higher ground in Him!
In Galatians 5:11, we read - "And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offense of the cross ceased."
What we have here is the Apostle Paul being attacked by the Judaizers. They were falsely charging him with preaching circumcision as a part of salvation. The reason being is that they were preaching exactly that in order to avoid any type of persecution from the Jews.
To the Jews, the...
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Are you facing a situation in your life where you desperately need wisdom? You simply do not know what to do or where to turn for help. Or do feel as though you lack the strength to get you through the many trials that you are presently encountering? You feel so weary from the many attacks that are coming your way. This message is for you. May God uplift you through His Holy Word.
Deuteronomy 29:29 says - "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever..."
There are many hidden things in nature, Providence, or in our relation to God Himself which belong to Him. They are known to Him alone. Some pertain to the future events - what should come to pass hereafter.
Barnes' Notes explains it in this way - "The future, when and how these good and evil things will take effect, it lies with the Lord our God to determine; it pertains not to man's sphere and duty. God's revealed will is...
Deuteronomy 29:29 says - "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever..."
There are many hidden things in nature, Providence, or in our relation to God Himself which belong to Him. They are known to Him alone. Some pertain to the future events - what should come to pass hereafter.
Barnes' Notes explains it in this way - "The future, when and how these good and evil things will take effect, it lies with the Lord our God to determine; it pertains not to man's sphere and duty. God's revealed will is...
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"Every Christian is a living temple of the living God. God dwelt in the Jewish temple, took possession of it, and resided in it, by that glorious cloud that was the token of His presence with that people. So Christ by His Spirit dwells in all true believers. The temple was devoted and consecrated to God, and set apart from every common to a holy use, to the immediate service of God. So all Christians are separated from common uses, and set apart for God and his service." - Matthew Henry
"That is a man's idol or god from which he seeks his happiness; no matter whether it be Jupiter, Juno, Apollo, Minerva, Venus, or Diana; or pleasure, wealth, fame, a fine house, superb furniture, splendid equipage, medals, curiosities, books, titles, human friendships, or any earthly or heavenly thing, God, the supreme good, only excepted. That is a man's idol which prevents him from seeking and finding his All in God." - Adam Clarke
"Whatever takes our worship from God is an idol." -...
"That is a man's idol or god from which he seeks his happiness; no matter whether it be Jupiter, Juno, Apollo, Minerva, Venus, or Diana; or pleasure, wealth, fame, a fine house, superb furniture, splendid equipage, medals, curiosities, books, titles, human friendships, or any earthly or heavenly thing, God, the supreme good, only excepted. That is a man's idol which prevents him from seeking and finding his All in God." - Adam Clarke
"Whatever takes our worship from God is an idol." -...
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"Sin makes men cowards." - Matthew Henry
"Fear argues a degenerate soul." - Virgil
"The consciousness of atrocious crimes astonishes and confounds." - Juvenal
The devil and the world want us - as Christians - to believe that we are really missing out in life by serving Jesus. Everywhere we turn, we are confronted with the images that seem to portray the fact that the Lifestyle of Sin is the Best way - the "cool" Life - the place of fun, happiness, great pleasure, and total satisfaction.
Our young people especially - through peer pressure - are made to feel that they are weird, extreme, missing out, or totally deceived because they refuse to partake in Satan's evil practices as sex outside of marriage, smoking, drinking, drug taking, etc.
It's time like never before that we rise up and demolish these lies with the Sword of the Spirit - God's Holy Word.
It's time that we - through the anointed, Holy Ghost, non-compromising, and...
"Fear argues a degenerate soul." - Virgil
"The consciousness of atrocious crimes astonishes and confounds." - Juvenal
The devil and the world want us - as Christians - to believe that we are really missing out in life by serving Jesus. Everywhere we turn, we are confronted with the images that seem to portray the fact that the Lifestyle of Sin is the Best way - the "cool" Life - the place of fun, happiness, great pleasure, and total satisfaction.
Our young people especially - through peer pressure - are made to feel that they are weird, extreme, missing out, or totally deceived because they refuse to partake in Satan's evil practices as sex outside of marriage, smoking, drinking, drug taking, etc.
It's time like never before that we rise up and demolish these lies with the Sword of the Spirit - God's Holy Word.
It's time that we - through the anointed, Holy Ghost, non-compromising, and...
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Here is another message written by my 27 year old son John. This is Part 1 of a 3 Part series.
Are there things in your life that you keep putting off for tomorrow - things like getting right with God or fulfilling the call that God has placed on your life?
Perhaps you are like Pharaoh in that you know that there are "stinkin" things in your life that are displeasing to the Lord, yet all you can answer Him is by saying - "Tomorrow." Let's deal with these "stinkin things" tomorrow. In other words, you want "ONE MORE NIGHT WITH THE FROGS."
I pray for every one reading this message that Holy Spirit will shine His spotlight on any and all "frogs" that you are allowing in your life - yes, even for "one more night." May He give you the grace to say - "Enough is enough!" These things have to go - NOW!
"...now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Not one of us is promised tomorrow!
Obey God...
Are there things in your life that you keep putting off for tomorrow - things like getting right with God or fulfilling the call that God has placed on your life?
Perhaps you are like Pharaoh in that you know that there are "stinkin" things in your life that are displeasing to the Lord, yet all you can answer Him is by saying - "Tomorrow." Let's deal with these "stinkin things" tomorrow. In other words, you want "ONE MORE NIGHT WITH THE FROGS."
I pray for every one reading this message that Holy Spirit will shine His spotlight on any and all "frogs" that you are allowing in your life - yes, even for "one more night." May He give you the grace to say - "Enough is enough!" These things have to go - NOW!
"...now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Not one of us is promised tomorrow!
Obey God...
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Here is Part 2 of my son John's message.
The devil and the world are continuously speaking to all Christians the same message, saying - "DON'T GO TOO FAR!"
However, you have got to decide - once and for all - whom you are going to serve and please.
This message is a wake-up call from Jesus to His people.
It's time like never before to get on-fire for God...to sell-out for Jesus...to become all that He wants you to be... to become rock-solid in your beliefs and convictions...and to not care who likes it either!
C'mon, Saint of God! How far away from Egypt are you willing to move? How long are you going to let "Pharaoh" dictate to you just how far you can go in your relationship with your God?
Who is Lord over your life - Jesus or Pharaoh?
May you hear Holy Spirit speaking to you as you read this message.
3 Sayings Of Pharaoh - Don't Go Too Far! - Part...
The devil and the world are continuously speaking to all Christians the same message, saying - "DON'T GO TOO FAR!"
However, you have got to decide - once and for all - whom you are going to serve and please.
This message is a wake-up call from Jesus to His people.
It's time like never before to get on-fire for God...to sell-out for Jesus...to become all that He wants you to be... to become rock-solid in your beliefs and convictions...and to not care who likes it either!
C'mon, Saint of God! How far away from Egypt are you willing to move? How long are you going to let "Pharaoh" dictate to you just how far you can go in your relationship with your God?
Who is Lord over your life - Jesus or Pharaoh?
May you hear Holy Spirit speaking to you as you read this message.
3 Sayings Of Pharaoh - Don't Go Too Far! - Part...
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"...O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, Whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions?" - Daniel 6:20
Look how King Darius addressed Daniel. He called him - "servant of the living God."
What he was doing here was contrasting Daniel's God with the lifeless idols of the Medes and Persians.
Indeed, his God was "a living God" - One Who has life... imparts life... and is able to preserve life. When placed into a life - or - death situation, this servant lived despite the king's edict - simply because His God - Who can giving the living long life - intervened.
Today, the Holy Spirit wants to burn these words - "servant of the living God" - deeply on your soul and in your spirit - to the point where your life is never the same again - where your entire perspective on life - its trials, tragedies, and troubles - is totally transformed.
You are a "servant of the living God." Whether you find yourself in times of...
Look how King Darius addressed Daniel. He called him - "servant of the living God."
What he was doing here was contrasting Daniel's God with the lifeless idols of the Medes and Persians.
Indeed, his God was "a living God" - One Who has life... imparts life... and is able to preserve life. When placed into a life - or - death situation, this servant lived despite the king's edict - simply because His God - Who can giving the living long life - intervened.
Today, the Holy Spirit wants to burn these words - "servant of the living God" - deeply on your soul and in your spirit - to the point where your life is never the same again - where your entire perspective on life - its trials, tragedies, and troubles - is totally transformed.
You are a "servant of the living God." Whether you find yourself in times of...
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