Tagged: the bible

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Atheists are fools
Christian news to ponder
Christian news to ponder
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Some things are hard to understand
Some things are hard to understand
A hard saying who can hear?
A hard saying hard to accept or hear
Come to the light while there's still time
Come to the light while there's still time
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Weeping and gnashing of teeth
Weeping and gnashing of teeth
They ignorantly love their sin
They ignorantly love their sin
Can no man lay any other foundation
Can no man lay any other foundation
Elementary 123
Elementary 123
Feed the church of God
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Clean up redirect blog links
Spiritual warfare
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
This is an anointed message. I bare my cross. The Despised Messiah did not die in vain. He gave his life as a ransom for many. And he said it is finished.

Brainwashed deprived reprobates


What's just happened ???? We can call it global warming or we can believe scripture and Recognize the signs of the times.
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
As written in 1 John 4:5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

When you have time as you could make time I would invite you to go visit my sister in Christ that has incredible faith. God is with her. Amen

As she said herself “ But, it wasn’t until 1978 when I Asked Jesus Christ into my heart, I was Eighteen years old then.” She had a disability that was hard to bear. You can go read her statement of faith. And read her story. Praise the Lord whom saved her. What incredible faith and courage she has. You too can can be saved.

Kristi Ann

Galatians 4:16
King James Version
16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Warning don’t be thrust out (People need to wake up before they perish)


Here are some tips as a Christian from me. This is from my heart.
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
If you are a nonbeliever or somebody who is deceived and you are not saved then I plead with you to research who is the person of Jesus Christ. I encourage you to read the Bible. I encourage you to seek out biblical salvation. Jesus Christ our Lord is risen and he is real. One thing I must add the gospel says to be a doer of that word. The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom. You must be born again.

Matthew 5:6
“ Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. ”

Who is Jesus Christ