

Check out our diverse selection of antique Bibles to find and order copies of rare Bibles and antique Bibles for sale that can become your family heirloom. Visit the world's most unusual gift-shop today at:



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Religious leaders, who had to flee to Geneva, Switzerland, from England due to Queen Mary’s bloody reign, were instrumental in publishing the 1560 Geneva Bible. If you are looking for a facsimile of the 1560 Geneva Bible for sale, knowing a few things about it will help you decide if the copy up for sale is really what it’s meant to be.
The Geneva Bible was a colossal accomplishment in the history of Protestant Bible translation. It was the work of religious leaders in a time of political and religious upheaval. It was the first Bible in English that had the scriptures divided into numbered verses.

All through the 16th and...

The 1611 King James Bible

By GreatsiteDotCom, 2022-08-06

The English King James Bible is the best selling book in history, by an extremely wide margin. With multiple billions of copies in print, no other book can claim even one billion copies in print. Even more impressive, the King James Bible remains one of the most popular translations of the Bible today, in spite of being in an archaic dialect of English that is well over four centuries old. There is simply no more beloved, influential, or widely read book in the world.

King James Bible, KJV Bible, AV Bible: Many Names

Also known as the King James Version Bible, the KJV Bible, the Authorized Version, The AV Bible, etc; the King James Bible is often associated with the year 1611 in which it was originally published. The original 1611 Version of the King James Bible however, ceased publication in the early 1600’s (with the except of some modern...

Antique Bibles vs. Rare Bible vs. Valuable Bibles: What is the difference?

A Bible can be antique, but not rare.

A Bible can be rare, but not antique.

A Bible can be both antique and rare, but not valuable.

However, what most collectors want, and what we almost exclusively deal in, are Bibles that check all three boxes: Bibles that are antique and rare and valuable.

So, how can you determine whether a Bible is antique or rare or valuable?  First and foremost, you should only purchase from a reputable dealer.  We here at The Bible Museum ( GREATSITE.COM ) have been the world’s largest dealers of rare and antique Bibles since 1987, and there are no other full-time professional rare book dealers who focus exclusively on ancient Biblical printings, and move a significant volume of such material, making our organization a “near monopoly” in this niche market for over 35 years.

That being said, we also strive to educate our customers so that they can be...

Why Buy Ancient Bible Pages

By GreatsiteDotCom, 2022-06-27
Why Buy Ancient Bible Pages

Depending on whether you are a devout Christian or not, the importance of antique Bible pages will vary. Devout Christians find holding a piece of the “Word of God,” studying it, and sharing it with others a joy that just can’t be measured in terms of words or money. Some others find these antique Bible pages items worth collecting and cherishing, and perhaps even handing them down to the next generation to be kept as a family heirloom.

There’s also a third category of people who believe holding pages of an ancient Bible let them honor those martyrs who faced a lot of adverse situations and even laid down their lives to make the “Word of God” accessible to the commoner. Since it was another era and another place, many might have forgotten the sacrifices made and no longer paused to think about the high cost paid by a handful to bring the Bible into their hands to read, reflect, and implement. As it has become quite easy to get our...

Posted in: Bible Pages | 0 comments

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Ancient Bibles

By GreatsiteDotCom, 2022-06-23
Top 5 Reasons to Buy Ancient Bibles

Saint Jerome once said that lack of knowledge of sacred scripture is equivalent to ignorance of Christ. This may send you rushing for your Bible, but instead of having your usual copy, why not get your hands on an ancient Bible? A rare, ancient Bible is worth the investment, especially if you steer clear of the dubious elements and buy from a reputed and reliable dealer of rare and ancient Bibles.

Not sure why you should buy an ancient Bible? Here are the top five reasons:

Keep Yourself Grounded, Albeit In Style

All of us are God’s children. However, in today’s fast-paced, highly competitive, stress-filled world, it could be very easy for you to lose touch with this reality. You could forget who you truly are when battling life’s blues. Taking some time out to browse through the leaves of your ancient Bible will help to keep you grounded by reminding you of who you truly are. When you read the scripture often, you’ll realize Christ is...

Know All About The History Of The Christian Church

According to recent statistics, Christians are the largest religious group, with a whopping 2.3 billion believers or a noticeable 31.2% of the global population of 7.3 billion. Christians have always deemed the era of Jesus and his disciples a standard for all the other ages. This belief powered the church's faith in Jesus - the Messiah, who was resurrected. This faith also drove the anticipation of forgiveness of sins through Jesus. But have you ever wondered how the history of the Christian church changed over the years? And how it's related to the English Bible's history? Let's take a brief look.


Know All About The Bible Museum

By GreatsiteDotCom, 2022-05-05
Know All About The Bible Museum

This post isn't about the Washington, DC-based Museum of the Bible. Instead, it's about the interesting journey of The Bible Museum and how it grew up to become a popular name worldwide from its modest start. It all began without any plan, but by God's grace, it grew so big that people from far and wide now come to the online site as well as the physical store to browse and buy ancient and rare Bibles and Bible leaves.

Since 1987, The Bible Museum has been the largest dealer of antique and rare Bibles globally. Its sales figures for rare Bibles are significantly more than the collective total of all other dealers selling rare books worldwide. Since 1996, the online shop of The Bible Museum has been functioning at GREATSITE.COM . This popular website finds...

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Ancient Bibles

By GreatsiteDotCom, 2022-04-29
Top 5 Reasons to Buy Ancient Bibles

Saint Jerome once said that lack of knowledge of sacred scripture is equivalent to ignorance of Christ. This may send you rushing for your Bible, but instead of having your usual copy, why not get your hands on an ancient Bible? A rare, ancient Bible is worth the investment, especially if you steer clear of the dubious elements and buy from a reputed and reliable dealer of rare and ancient Bibles.

Not sure why you should buy an ancient Bible? Here are the top five reasons:

Keep Yourself Grounded, Albeit In Style

All of us are God’s children. However, in today’s fast-paced, highly competitive, stress-filled world, it could be very easy for you to lose touch with this reality. You could forget who you truly are when battling life’s blues. Taking some time out to browse through the leaves of your ancient Bible will help to keep you grounded by reminding you of who you truly are. When you read the scripture often, you’ll realize...

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