Jerry Fuller


Born and raised in Willow Spring,NC. Been in music ministry over 24 years ,leading praise & worship,playing guitar,singing,song writing,in worship bands,teaching and sharing about music,worship. Love the lord with all my heart and try my best to live a life that pleases the Lord


Location: Willow Spring, NC
Zipcode: 27592
Country: US


Blogs: 16
images: 7
youtubes: 8
Songs: 15


God's Truth

By Jerry Fuller, 2013-09-12

          What if i took you to the top floor of a tall building like the Empire State Building ? What if I then opened a window and said,"Jump!!" Would you do it ???? I don't think so ! You understand the law called "gravity." The one God created and Isaac Newton discovered.Because of gravity,jumping would be a long fall to your death.
         But what if someone said,"Wait a minute,Jerry,that's your truth.Who says there's only one truth? We believe that with proper technique you could actually float !"
Then what if the whole world started to trust in this lie---that one could float after jumping out of the window of a tall building?What if I were the only person left in the whole world who believed that one would fall -- not float? Would that change the truth?
          Does the majority rule here? NO! Truth is not Silly Putty that can be...

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       In the late 30's there was a race horse I'm sure you have all heard of,his name was Seabiscuit .Seabiscuit had been written off as a loser.He came from nowhere to capture the hearts of America.In the fall of 1938,40million fans (1out of 3 Americans)gathered around the radio and listened to the long-awaited match up between the underdog,Seabiscuit , and the Triple Crown winner,War Admiral.Seabiscuit won by 4 lengths.
       Seabiscuit didn't look like a champion.From birth,his trainers considered him to small and nothing like his thoroughbred descendants.So he wasn't given much of a chance to show his true potential.He lost his first 17 starts and was eventually trained to lose in order to bolster the confidence of other horses.
But that all changed when a new owner and trainer saw in him what no one else did.They saw his heart and gave him a second chance.Seabiscuit didn't...

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The Curse Of Imperfection

By Jerry Fuller, 2013-10-10

       Perfection eludes all of us.We get up in the morning determined to get it right today,but before we know it we've done something that is not quite right in God's eyes.The same thing happened to God's servants in the Bible.As we observe great biblical characters,we can see how tough it is to achieve perfection.For example,Paul,the greatest missionary ever,admitted that he sometimes did what he knew he shouldn't do.( "What I want to do I do not do,but what I hate I do." Romans 7:15)
      There was only one perfect person that walked on the earth and His name is Jesus. We all fall short and when we do it's our responsibility to confess our sins to God and accept His mercy.Our sin should also remind us that we need Jesus Christ our Savior and the forgiveness He offers.
      When the curse of imperfection hits,we can learn from it,confess our sins and keep on going. Praise the...

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By Jerry Fuller, 2013-10-10

    Colossians 3:12 says as children of God we should show compassion and kindness.And it says we need to offer forgiveness to anyone who has a complaint against us.If a watching world doesn't see love in Christians,why would they be interested in the faith?
           It's called being Christlike.Friends Lets strive to be more Christlike.
                                     Love you all,Jerry Fuller

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Locked Behind Bars No More

By Jerry Fuller, 2013-10-14

Friends,I want you to think of it this way.Sin put you in prison.Sin locked you behind the bars of guilt and shame and deception and fear.Sin did nothing but shackle you to the wall of misery.Then Jesus came and paid your bail.He served your time;he satisfied the penalty and set you free.Christ died,and when you give your life to Him,your old self dies too.

The only way to be free from the prison of sin is to serve its penalty.In this case the penalty is death.Someone has to die,either you or a heaven-sent substitute.You cannot leave prison unless there is a death.But that death has occurred at Calvary.And when Jesus died to sin's claim on your life. You are free.


My friends,if you are still locked behind the prison bars of sin,please let Jesus bail you out.Give Him your life.He has already paid the price. Please send me a message if you need to know...

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To Close To Where You Got In ??

By Jerry Fuller, 2013-10-22

                         Growth is the goal of the Christian.Maturity is mandatory......

           I like the story of the little boy who fell out of the bed.When his mom asked him what happened,he answered, "I don't know.I guess I stayed too close to where I got in."
Easy to do the same with our faith.I see it in christians all time time.It's tempting to stay where we got in and never move or grow.Its comfortable just to come ,go,listen and never move forward in what God has for us.Its a tactic of the devil to keep us from being all we can be for God.
        I'm going to ask you to pick a time in the not-to-distant past.A year or two ago. Now ask yourself a few questions.How does your prayer life today compare to then? How about your giving of funds and time?Has the amount and joy increased? What about your church loyalty and growth? Can...

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Ready Or Not ????????

By Jerry Fuller, 2013-12-06

      The media is talking so much about the auto death of actor Paul Walker of the Fast and furious movies. Definitely a tragic event and i know very hard for his family and loved ones and all the fans and friends.Soon as i heard about it I wondered did Paul know our Savior. I saw many talking about him as an angel in heaven,the truth of the matter is if Paul didn't know Jesus as his Savior then he is not in heaven at this moment.If he did know Jesus as his personal Savior then he is standing in glory land. I started thinking about back in 2001 when Dale Earnhardt was killed in the Daytona 500 .I was in a praise and worship band at the time and the following Wednesday night at young service I was asked to speak a word.The Pastor said the Lord wanted me to speak about something . I said really ? I didn't even know what , but God gave me what to say to over 100 youth that night. I told them about the race and how for some reason...

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By Jerry Fuller, 2013-12-06

     The devil brings storms into our life to intimidate     us.During a storm,remember that the mind is the battlefield.Don't make your decisions based on your thoughts or feelings,but check with your spirit.When you do,you will find the same vision that was there in the beginning.
    When the storms come in your life,dig in with both heels,set your face like flint and be determined in the Holy Spirit to stay out of the boat.Don't get fearful or doubtful like Peter did and take your eyes off Jesus.Be like Abraham did and not waver.


                       Love in Christ, Jerry

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